Crime Scene.

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Being able to breathe with my own two lungs

Has never been a talent of mine.

I have always needed another's spine to keep

Myself steady as I walked against the current,

Have always grasped onto any palm that was turned

Toward me in this life and sometimes the owner would

Snap my wrist into submission so I would act like a

Dog with a limp.

Tail between my legs and a flinch at every sound or


Perhaps that is why when I was younger I craved for

Lively, red slippers, because even to this day the idea

Of clicking my heels and returning home feels like the

Happiness of a long forgotten childhood.

But I don't seem to know where home is anymore.

Whisper into the hallows of my cheeks the secrets of those


Those nights where everyone touched my soul with filthy hands

And didn't bother to clean up the mess they made inside of me.

Allow your eyes to share with me what I felt before this, before

My mind became witch trails burning innocent people at the stake

Because I was afraid, because someone abused my insides and

Didn't leave fingerprints and I wanted to know who and why and

What I did to deserve it.

Take my fractured wrist and remind me I am not a crime scene,

That answers will come out of their burrows slowly while the

Clock ticks and that I hold the key of my life and if people walk out

Of the door, I have the power to close it, lock the door and swallow the key.

Tell me that my spine has always been strong enough to fight the current and that

This body is the only structure I need.

Plant flowers in my soul and when they bloom they will remind me that I have

Always been enough.

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