-0.3- Tranquil

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A/n: I just realised that this chapter is too cheesy, and i don't know what the bacon is wrong with me when im writing it

WARNING: cringe worthy

Selamat pagi!! from my country :)))

Lots of luv ❤❤❤ 



Karlie screamed as she ran around the Swift's backyard to avoid the tickle monster's attack. If someone was to look at the scene with their eyes, then they'd understand that Karlie was obviously losing.

"HA! I got you!" Taylor shouted as she lifted Karlie up and threw her over her shoulder.

The two best friends was spending their time together to celebrate Karlie's first year of middle school, while Taylor was already a forth grader. It seemed that Karlie had stolen one of Taylor's precious bandanna, only for her to be caught red handed during action.

"No, let me go Taylorie, I beg mercy!" Karlie said through her giggles as she wiggled her body around to get out of Taylor's grasp.

"Nah you're good," She replied casually as she dropped her gently on the ground near the big ass tree in her backyard and started tickling her.

"NOooooo," She shrieked the exaggerated O's as her fingers continue to poke her ticklish sides. She was wriggling so much by then, anyone could mistake her for a dying giant earth worm.

"Give it back Kar then I'll consider stopping,"

"I''m nOooTT--"

Her sentenced was cut off by hysterical laughter.

"You saying?" She taunted with a smirk.


"Are you okay now Kar?" Taylor said to her seriously as she cupped her cheeks with both of her hands to direct her wild eyes to hers.

It might have been a moment, or maybe it wasn't just a moment. It was a fleeting second in which both eyes were connected deep to the soul with such clarity, all words were not spoken.

It was true, they said.

The eyes were the window to one's soul, she believe it, because, at that very moment, her eyes spoke to hers in her own language of gestures. In her own spectrum of jargon, going in and out of focus.

And so,

She listened, very carefully, not missing a word over any sound that might have passed through her hearing range. She hung on to her very word like it was the last thing she would bring to her death bed.

No words were spoken.

Because, she gets her.

She is her Karsie lion after all.


Her stare

It was something she couldn't ask for more. This simple gesture never fails to remind her that she, is there.

Present in all her honesty, visible for her to see.

Always there to be her knight in shining armor, should she felt the need of someone to save her from drowning in her own pool of agony and vivid memories.

She's always there,

to be her stone should she ever felt the need to crumble.

to be her teddy bear she could seek comfort to when everything got a little too much.

Maybe she didn't understand yet, or maybe she did. But, at least she knew one thing, and one thing only because everything was so disarray.

She is her Teffycoon.


Seconds passed as they only stared at each other, basking in silence full of veracious understanding, void of any sense of judgement.

There was only Karsie and Teffy, in their eyes.

Seconds had passed when she finally nodded and broke her eye contact with her. She moved around a little bit before nuzzling her body closer to her embrace, like a baby seeking warmth from her mother. She smiled then, and hugged her closer, enjoying the other's company.

Taylor hummed softly in her ear as she tried to lull her back to sleep. Deliberately, she sway their bodies back and forth. Slowly but surely, her eyes started to close as she released her soft little snores that Taylor adored so much.

She lied her back on her bed, still keeping her in her tight embrace and cuddled her dear. Kissing the top of her head lovingly and drifted off to sleep herself.

They stayed in the same position for the rest of the night. Away from the emotional roller coaster that left them spent, both emotionally and physically.

A dreamless sleep was to follow, filled with nothing but tranquility.

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