-0.2- A girl named Loren

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"Umm, hallo everyone, my name's Karlie Kloss and I'm gonna read my poem, I guess... Hope you like it tho.."

Today was the day she was going to present her piece. The assignment was given around 3 weeks ago. The assignment required every student to write something as a reflection of themselves. Sighing a little, her eyes wondered to the back of the room where her English teacher stood. He gave her a barely noticeable nod and she took it as her cue to start.

"Okay, here it goes..." She said nervously and may I add, awkwardly, causing a round of laughter to break out through the room. She smiled, unsure of herself, as her face turned a darker shade of red.

She was embarrassed, it was clear but she shook it off, trying to clam herself. She took a deep breath then, steeling her nerves and started to speak.

"Cowered in the corner
She was so small
Maybe it was her mind holder
That brace her for her fall

She cried sometimes
And be sad at days
Always paying people's fines
"She's too kind," they said

She paint roses on her thighs
Smiling despite her cries
Her mind is just one beast
Always waiting for her feast

Maybe she is her friend
A girl named Loren"

As she finished her poems, her classmates reaction was not one she expected. Comments were thrown her way, harsh ones to be exact. She listened to each one, mood depleting as tears started to well in her eyes.

"She's such an attention seeker.." One said.

"I think she's a fraud, there's no way the piece was hers. Must have stolen it from someone.."

"That poem was an absolute shit, I swear if Mr. Buckley actually like it then his taste is just eww.."

"Reflection my ass, she's just faking it y'all.."

They kept coming. Unfortunately, she listened. She took in each one of them as her mind started to scream self-deprecating comments about herself.

They're right

You're a fake Karlie

It was obvious that she's reaching her breaking point. She rushed out of the classroom, not even bothering to  excuse herself to the teacher. Clearly, that was not her priority at the moment.

Tears were blurring her sight as she ran with her might. She didn't really have a destination in mind as her feet continue to carry her body away, to a place far away from those people.

She was so focused on the voices on her head that she accidentally bumped her body against someone. The collision was pretty hard, considering she even managed to topple both of their bodies to the floor.

Not wasting any time, Karlie quickly dust herself off and sat up, lips muttering bunch of apologies. Just as she was about to stand, her body was pulled back to the floor by the person.

"Karlie?" The person asked gently.

She said nothing, only covering her face with both of her hands, trying to shield herself from the harsh words that was about to be uttered.

"Karls.." The voice called again, softer this time.

It was familiar, the voice and somehow it just clicked in her mind.

"Taylor?" She said in a small voice, sentence cut off with another wave of sobs that wrack through her body, having remembered the latter events leading to this moment.

"It's okay, love. I'm here.."

Taylor carefully stood up with her body still on top of her. She gathered her lanky body in her arms and lifted her up, just like a mother carrying her baby. She didn't utter a word as she moved across the school halls, and make her way up to the rooftop, with her in her arms.

She kept her face on the crook of Taylor's neck as she cried silently. They were lucky. The hall ways were empty, for students was supposed to be inside the class as of now. Reaching the rooftop, she sat down on the rough surface of cement floor. Karlie was basically straddling her at this point, yet that was not important.

"Karls? You're okay now.. shhh.."

Taylor hugged her tightly as she bawled her eyes out. Every emotions, sadness, and anger making their way out of her system as she screamed in despair. Taylor could do nothing at this point, except being there for her as a shoulder to cry on.


It was wrong of her to do this.

But her mind was screaming, and she was so tired.

So fucking tired...

It was like, just when she thought everything will be alright, in which she could breathe easier and smile a little, something happened.

Karlie failed.

She lost herself in the crowd and drowned in her own thoughts. Always wishing for the best, but who was she to plea?

She rid herself of her sin always begging and begging for forgiveness for something truly meant from her imagination.

Something that didn't even exist in spite of her guilt.

Tear tracks down her face, but she was lost to care. A girl stared at her from the mirror and she looked up to meet her gaze.

It was somebody, she once knew.

But now, all she recognised was the traces of dullness that now painted her eyes.

Who is she now?


She walked away from the bathroom towards her bed. There she slipped a crumpled piece of paper on the table beside her bed.

There she lingered, and took a deep breath for what was to come.

There she rid herself of her tears and smiled a little, one last time.

And there, she left her final goodbye for her.

I'm sorry, Taylor

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