-0.1- For Taylor

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For Taylor,

As a matter of words I think I understand my definition of love now.

For me,

Love means you.

Love is a blue coloured circle because a circle doesn't have any edges, and so you will find no reason to speak flaws for there's simply none. It filled full, only leave spaces unto completing each other.

I'd say love is blue coloured because it reminds me of your eyes you know? It is always full of warmth and comfort, so contagious, I've always felt safe when yours bore on mine. Giving me a sense of serene just like the sight of the sky. The sky is always there, no matter the time nor the weather. Its presence gave me a constant reassurance of  whatever happens, you'll stay beside me, and I think for a moment, that is enough with me, having you by my side.

Your eyes are gratifying. It would constantly lure me in to your swirling pools of silver and shades of brilliant blue with flecks of gold. There, I'd find my safe haven.
The place where I'd find the stars shining brightly reserved just for me, hiding behind those lids when you look at me in wonder. Though, sometimes I wonder what do you see in me?

You've taught me how to appreciate these little things in life. One that you call very precious, like our spontaneous little naps. Typical of me, I'd whined at you, saying that "naps are for babies", only to be asleep in 5 minutes.

It may make me sound like a hypocrite, but to be honest, that is when I would feel the safest, being wrapped in your cocoon of embrace.

In my defense, I know that you secretly loves our 3 a.m. conversation. One that I quote 'is disturbing your beauty sleep'. It was kind of obvious as to how much you adored them. Maybe it was the way where we would just lay beside each other and talk so freely about what's on our mind, laughing at the irony without a care in the world. It truly is a time when we broke free off our chain that label us as to who we should be seen as.

If you're reading this Tay, then I just want to say sorry for what happened. Do not blame yourself for I am solely to blame. If I were to be gone then, I hope you find someone you deserve. Someone who will care for you just like how I've cared for you in the past.

I'm sorry that I was so blind then, but thank you, Taylor,
for loving me and being my anchor.

Though, sometimes even love is not enough.

I do have a question for you though. But seeing the circumstances, I don't think I'll be able to ask you myself. Silly me indeed. Lastly, I just wanted you to know that,

I love you, Taylor.


P.S. Sorry that i love you too late.


For the second time in her life, Taylor cried.

Little droplets of tear might have been marring her face at first but surely, she was full on sobbing in a matter of seconds.

She cried, not for the regrets or fear she's currently feeling, nor the anxiety weighing her down, whispering her love won't be waking up.

She cried for joy and relief, such a fountain of water in the middle of a drought. She laughed and wiped her tears away, before holding Karlie's hand a little bit tighter, as if to tell her that she finally understand.

As the realisation finally has dawned upon her.

She is hers.


The next morning was such a blur. She woke up, still dazed from the night before with a small smile on her face as she reminisce every moment of it. She reached for the letter on top of the coffee table and took a sit on her usual spot, beside Karlie.

"Hey, Kar. How are you today?"

It was such a contrast, a very distinct one indeed. The way she spoke to her was very gentle, poles apart from when she would talk to other people. It was a side that she kept, just for her.

"Just so you know, I've found your letter yesterday and to be honest, I've never cried so hard in my life. I'm sure you'd be laughing right now." Her hand moved to caress her face delicately. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear before chuckling for a moment ,her other hand fumbling with the letter in her pocket. Once it was out, she opened the letter for the second time and whispered in a low voice.

"I just want to --"

Her speech was cut off short as her eyes flitted downwards to the words scripted on the bottom of the page.

A short sentence was written in neat cursive, but it was so small, her eyes had missed it during her breakdown the day before. Reading it, she looked at her with the most sincerest care.

"I wonder Teffy, what is your love?"

Smiling lightly, she laced their fingers together as the familiar sense of comfort and warmth engulf her entire being. She brought their hands to her lips and kissed each of her knuckles softly. She exhaled deeply then, relaxing her nerves as she gripped at their intertwined hands tighter and started to speak.

"I'm just going to sum it up a bit. Don't worry though, I'll tell you the rest later..."

"For me Kar?
Love means us."

"Teffy and Klossy"



Which one would y'all prefer, a sad ending or a not so happy but everyone lives or a happy ending??

Btw a new oneshot is on the way, i just got the idea as i write this an lol. I don't usually wrote an cuz it messes with the perfection or layout, im such a perfectionist tf. 

P.s. Do any of you realize that each line break only consist of 10 equal sign?

Sotd- love on the brain (little mix cover)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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