Chapter 4

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A/N: Do you remember me? Sorry for the long wait. I'm trying to be more active on here before my exams start, just rekindle my love of writing and hearing feedback on some sort of writing of mine.


Now, enjoy this one :)

BTW I have no idea why they changed this to R... I think it's the excessive swearing. Oh dear.

- Bellaspicer xx


I tried to rehearse what I was going to say to Adrienne whilst driving there in my fancy sports car. Where should I start first of all? Should I just go straight into it? What if she doesn’t let me talk? Oh God. I told myself I could do this without making a fool of myself, implying I was sleeping with her soon-to-be ex husband or freaking out and using physical violence. Somehow, I thought I could do that.

I took in a harsh intake of breath when what was once Billie Joe's house started to draw up in the distance. “You work in an office all day, you talk to people all day,” I told myself, once I parked outside the house, “You can do this.” I stepped out the car and slowly made my way towards the house where I had spent quite good times in. The charm I had once felt approaching the house was gone now. Timidly, I knocked the door.

It took a while for someone to answer and when someone did, it was Joey. He seemed slightly surprised to see me there. I smiled nervously at him, rooting in my head for a greeting. Fortunately, he reached that greeting before I did. “Oh, hey Alexa. Dad’s not here.”

All I could think of to say was, “I know that, I know where he is." After I realised what I had stupidly just said, I added quickly, "Hey Joey..." That went hideously backasswards, and I mentally kicked myself for the poorly constructed introduction.

What made me regret it even more was when his eyes brightened with curiousity. The kid didn't even know where his dad was staying, and I just went and fucked up a situation between two parents potentially even more. Great. “Really? Where?” he asked me.

Fuck. “Um... some motel somewhere, I don’t know. We haven’t... talked much. Is your mom home?” I said, rather quickly, hoping he wouldn't bring it up again. I came here to make the situation better, not worse. It wouldn't be the first time I made a mountain out of a molehill for other people, though.

“Yea, she’s in the kitchen. But she’s really pissed off.”

“I think I can handle it,” I said, mustering the little energy of happiness I had to force a smile. "I can take your dad on when he's in a strope, so I can take your mom on too."

“Well, it’s your funeral,” Joey shrugged, stepping aside to let me in. I couldn’t tell you how much that boy reminded me of Billie when he was his age. Stubborn and a bit of a prick. Don’t get me wrong, I love Joey the way an aunt would love her nephew. I considered him a nephew. When he was younger, he used to call me “auntie Lexi”. Not anymore though, he’d grown out of that.

I walked into the kitchen, tapping the door lightly, “Adie?”

She seemed to be cooking something that smelt rather nice, and my food deprived stomach threatened to rumble. It had been that long since I had a decently cooked dinner. Her hair was tied up in a messy do, though I always thought that kind of hair suited her. She whipped her head around when she heard me, “oh, hello Lexi.” She gave me a transparent smile before turning back to her cooking again.

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