White Alpha - 1.

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White Alpha - 1.

----- 6 months later -----

"Goodmorning Grandma," I said calmly when I gently opened the door. I was getting used to it, calling her Grandma. The first time I did it, it sounded very strange to me, but her eyes began to shine when I said it so I just kept calling her Grandma.

She sat up straight in bed and gave me a little smile. Her health deteriorated. She was very skinny, looked pale, had bags under her eyes and she didn't move much. "I'm getting old" she said when I asked her what was going on.

I gently put the tray on her lap and sat down from her on the bed. "How are you doing sweety?" she softly asked and grabbed a biscuit from the tray. "I'm fine. How about you?". She looked up and took a bite of the biscuit. We sat in silence for a while. She who slowly ate and looked at me occasionally, and I looking around the bedroom for the hundredth time and looking at her occasionally.

"Where is Evan?" she suddenly asked. "He had to do something for Nick" I answered. My eyes landed on her knitting that lay on the table in the courner. It was black and white. I wanted to know what she was doing but also not knowing because I had a suspicion. She started a very long time ago but it wasn't ready yet. Or she was making something big or she sometimes worked on it.

"Just ask me" I heard her say and I looked straight at her. "Sorry?" I said and she nodded to her knitwork. "Okay then, what are you making? When we started to know each other you began knitting. Or it was something else you were making or it is the same. But I know you were also working with the colours black and white". She gave me a smile and drank some of her tea.

"Socks for the children you and Evan are going to get". I almost choked on my own saliva when I heard that. I hit myself on my chest when I started coughing. "I'm just teasing you" she said with a smile. For a while it seemed like nothing was happening to her the way she was acting now, or how she looked. She got a bit of a colour on her cheeks and she laughed. But everyone knew better.

"For the time being Grandma, no children if you don't mind" I said. "You never know" she said and I looked a bit surprised. "We wait for a while, we're young and have enough time left" I reasured her. "It's okay to wait, some young couples are pregnant right away after they found their soulmate or got married. Just enjoy your care free and irresponsible life, nothing wrong with it. " I totally agree, but to have a care free life or no responsibility?

Evan is Beta so he already has responsibilities. I was no longer a Hunter at the Warriors anymore but that didn't mean that I wouldn't help them if they needed help. And besides, the life that Lindsey and I led when our parents were no longer alive was a life full of worries and responsibilities.

"What exactly are you making?". "Well, the usual, socks, blankets, that kind of things" and she shrugged her shoulders like it was nothing. "Even if it's a couple of years before there are children, thank you" and I gave her a smile. "You're welcome sweety".

"I'll let you eat. If you need something, let us know" and I looked at the device next to her on her nightstand. It was a kind of intercom, very handy in this case. But if Evan was here or Nick's little brother? Not so much. They used it every time to prank us, very annoying.

Sis! Do you have something for my birthday?! I began to sigh

We had practiced our link. We called it a link too, just like when we were changed. We got pretty good at it. Even when we were miles away, we could talk with each other. In the beginning that wasn't possible at all. Putting up a wall in my mind had also become easier. When Evan and I were visiting Olivia and Jack, Lindsey could still pick up a few things, not what I wanted so I had practiced that too.

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