Exploring a new house.

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Disclaimer. This fanfic contains the reader having severe mental health issues, this story is in no way making fun or making romantic of these issues. I also don't support rape, kidnapped or abuse.
Hope you enjoy the story.

Why was this happening? It honestly baffled you. One minute you were living the dream in your adopted parents town house then boom, they decide it would be better for your "health" to move to a less crowded area.

In terms of your "health" you were really "sick," at least in your opinion. Doctors said otherwise (and your new family believed them.) However, you enjoyed your so called issues. It made life more interesting.

Your dreams were filled of beautiful nightmares and your day to day life filled with hallucinations that you had grown not love instead of fear. Little girls in bloody dresses no longer haunted you, but instead kept you company in your lonely life.

You weren't the type to be social, maybe that's why they wanted to move. So they could convince you to go out and make "real" friends.

Originally you were homeschooled. Pete and Jen (the couple who had adopted you) had taken you out of school after your constant mental breakdowns. But that's how it was when you first came into their lives. To them at first you were a suicidal, traumatized kid who needed to be loaded up on medicine and fixed.

You knew it had changed now, well at least the bond between them and you had grown. You weren't their charity anymore, you were their kid. You didn't lash out at them when they tried to touch you, although you did still have bad reactions which is why they didn't generally push it.

Nevertheless, school was once again on the table. Pete and Jen had convinced me to try it and I quote "try it just one last time."You agreed, after a while.

You had a feeling Monday would come way too soon, however you did have three days to unpack and explore.

As you stepped out the car, your travel medication bag clutched tightly in your arms, you took a look at the front of your new house. It wasn't too bad you guessed, a medium sized for this town, although rather small when compared to your section of your old apartment block.

It was a faded and dirty cream colour covered in ivy, which in your opinion looked kind of pretty. Making your way up the driveway and to the front door you nervously looked at Jen as she took out the house keys and opened the door.

"Go ahead," she encouraged you. "Take a look around inside." You nodded a stepped into the dim house, floorboards creaking under your every step.

You heard Jen switch on the lights behind you and the house lit up. Everything was either a dirty cream or a faded grey. Although, you actually liked it. It gave the house a sort of vintage and calming feel.

The kitchen was somewhat small, most of it being taken up by a large oval table. Just to the right being the lounge, which only really consisted of a sofa, an empty book shelf and a small TV.

Moving up the steep stairs you found yourself in a narrow hallway with four doors. First one was a decent sized bathroom which was mostly taken up with an oversized bath. The second you guessed were Jen and Pete's room. A large double bed surrounded by a thousand and one psychology books.

The third was your bedroom. Dirty, light blue walls with a bed barely visible underneath the thick duvet and a desk covered in your action figure from the shows you liked, as well as your books. The forth door led to-.

"PETE! JEN! Good to see you again!" You froze at the somewhat booming voice and made a bee line to the nearest window. There you saw a man with fairly dark skin in a wheelchair, behind him a young man with the same coloured skin and short dark hair. (Yes this takes place after the dramatic haircut.)

You couldn't take your eyes off him.. Until his eyes suddenly shot up to the window with an intense look and you let out a short sqeaul as you ducked down.

It was a good half hour until Jen and Pete came back in, well Pete was still unloading the remaining boxes from the car, but Jen came back in. You hopped down the stairs to meet her. "So~ You like the house?" She asked. You nodded, before pointing to the door with a confused look.

"Ah, that's Mr Black and his son, Jacob Black. They're good friends of Pete and it was actually Billy's idea to bring you here.

You couldn't help but make an "are you seious" face, one that Jen couldn't help laughing at. "Yes I am serious," she pouted. "And besides, Billy thought you two could spend some time together. Get his mind off girls and bikes and- wait no I know you're a girl, Y/N. Oh, nevermind. Can you help Pete with the car, please?"

You sighed and make your way outside to help.

Well, this was probably a boring chapter, just getting things "set up."
Hope you liked it, and hope to see you next time.

Yandere Jacob Black X Metal Health ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now