Exploring a new town.

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You hopped outside the house towards the car and held out your arms for Pete to dump something in. He looked up, slightly surprised at your sudden appearance.

"Oh hey Y/N. Oh, you don't have to help with this! If you're bored then go explore, I know you wanted some woods near the house, right? Look around, we're surrounded by them! So.. Go explore!"

Giving a small sigh at his over enthusiasm, you wondered off in the general direction of the woods. Pete always acting overly cheery and under-protective, thinking his smile would wear off on you and you'd like him because of all the freedom he gave you.

It was a relatively damp day, the cold wind pressing it's wet lips against you and the soggy ground clinging onto your boots desperately. You stared up at the grey clouds, wondering what Jen and Pete were thinking, bringing you to such a depressing town.

As you came up to the woods you got a sudden chill up your spine, enough to make you somewhat hesitate going in. Nevertheless, you strode through the brambles and hopped over fallen tree trunks, into the misty, damp forest.

Drips of long fallen rain slipped off random leaves, making rustling sounds, setting you on edge slightly. It's so sinister here.

Still, you continued to walk deeper, stepping over a small stream at one point, balancing on the slippery rocks that made a makeshift bridge. As you walked you held out your hand, letting it brush against the rough bark of random trees, tracing over the musty moss and stroking the warm fur.


You turned, looking around with a deranged expression and wide eyes. You could of sworn you felt something animal like with fur. The only sight that greeted you was the cold, gloomy forest that stretched out for miles.

You wanted to call out, shout if anyone was there and for them to leave you alone, or to yell out for someone to come help you. But you couldn't.

Your eyes pricked and your body shook. You felt so scared. You had watched movies with stuff like this, always laughing in your head how you could defeat anything like that, how you wouldn't be scared at all. But now, now you were terrified.

"Y/N!" You heard Jen call from a distance, and without a second thought darted towards the voice. Leaping over stumps and rocks and ducking under trees branches. Finally hitting a warm chest and feeling two arms wrap around you tightly.

Jen looked down at your shaking form, a deep frown on her face. Although you couldn't see it she gave Pete a sharp glare as he smiled sheepishly. "Y/N? C'mon, let's go inside, shall we?" You nodded and let her pull you towards the front door that suddenly seemed like the most welcoming and safest place in the world.

Once inside, you were promptly wrapped up in a thick blanket, handed a warm cup of hot chocolate and sat at the dining table, Pete sitting opposite and Jen next to you.

Jen pulled out a large note pad, a tub of pencils, picture playing cards and a small box of Lego. All kids toys I know, but this is the best way you had always responded.

You placed your cup on the table and reached forward towards the notepad and tub of pencils. As you fiddled around with the paper Jen spoke up.

"Y/N.. Did something good or bad happen in the forest?" She spoke slowly and quietly, trying not to disturb your thinking. You leaned forward and started to draw in brown the large, thick trunks of the trees.

Next green was added for the leaves. But, you didn't know what colour to add next. You hadn't seen it.

You traced your fingers tips on the pencil trees. Pete perked up. "You felt something?" You gave a slow nod in response.

"What did it feel like?" Jen questioned, reaching for the cards. "Did it feel rough like tree bark?" She held up a tree picture. You shook your head as you picked at the Lego box. "Did it feel smooth, like a marble?" Again you shook your head, somewhat daydreaming as she put down the marble picture and searched further in the pile. "Did it feel soft, like a cat?" Your eyes shot up and you tensed.

Jen dropped the cat picture and took hold of your hands, whispering to you about birds, your favourite animal. This always calmed you down.

Pete on the other hand look beyond confused. His dark brows furrowed to the point of his face tearing, trying the think what you had touched.

Slowly you reached forward and picked up a red pencil, colouring a large question mark next to one of the trees. Lifting your heavy body up you took hold of your picture and walked upstairs. Pete was about the follow but Jen took a firm hold on this arm, saying it was time for you to go to bed anyway.

You slumped up the stairs and fell into your bedroom, crawling into your bed. It was so soft and comforting, with a faint smell of home. You missed home. A place without a creepy forest with fur covered monsters in it.

You dove under the duvet at the memory, shutting your eyes tightly and grasping the picture in your hands. Your mind full of what had happened. But soon it was filled with exhaustion and dreariness, you had had a long day after all, and you fell into a deep sleep.

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