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After the events of last night Jen and Pete had unexpectedly been stumped as to what to do next. You spent most of your time in your bedroom, which wasn't much different to before, but coming here was meant to CHANGE things.

It was soon decided between them that if you weren't coming OUT, someone will have to come IN.

You heard a soft knock at your bedroom door and it opened slowly to reveal Jen. "Are you feeling alright, Y/N?" She asked you. You gave a small shrug followed by a sharp nod.

"Good, because you'll have a visitor in a few minutes." Your eyes went wide at her words. "The boy from a couple days ago, Jacob. You remember him?"

You frowned, racking your brain for a Jacob, before remembering the boy you spotted outside your window. Nodding hesitantly you locked eyes with Jen, concern written on your face.

She gave a comforting smile and patted your shoulder. "It'll be fine, Y/N. Now, go get some proper clothes on and at least brush your teeth, okay?" You gave another nod and kicked off your bedsheets, swinging your legs over the side of the overly thick mattress and darting for the bathroom.

It was only a matter of minutes before the toilet was flushed and the taps turned off. You inched open the bathroom door, your eyes falling on Pete, who was hunched over the door handle to the room you hadn't explored yet.

Walking over you tapped his shoulder and he gave a short shriek before asking you what was up. You pointed to the door with a questionable look, eyeing the tools scattered across the landing floor.

"Ah, just locking up this creepy thing. It scares Jen," he chuckled. You raised an eyebrow and hesitated, staring at the door, before slumping back to your room.

Your clothes consisted of just plain black trousers and an oversized superman T-shirt. Nothing special. It was when you had finally found the second arm hole in the T-shirt when a firm knock was heard at the door.

You swallowed deeply, sweat starting to form on your back and palms. This was going to be awkward, you could feel it.

You heard the door being opened and Pete's lively voice greeting who you assumed to be Jacob. Jen's light footsteps hurried up the stairs and your bedroom door soon burst open after a single, short knock.

"C'mon down, Y/N. He's here."

You gathered all your courage, (however little it may be,) and followed her downstairs. Jen seemed as nervous as you for some reason.

You entered the living room and saw Jacob, awkwardly perched on a small sofa, pretending to listen to Pete's odd stories of when he was abroad in Germany.

You locked eyes with him for only a moment, you being the one to quickly look down at your navy socks. You heard the old sofa frame creak as he stood, and Pete's relieved voice cry out "ah, hello!" as he noticed you and Jen present.

"So," Jen spoke up. "What are you planning to do today?" The question was to both of you, but mostly directed at Jacob, a hint of warning in her voice. Jacob shrugged and mumbled something about showing you his workshop.

"C'mon," he jerked his head to the door, taking you by the elbow and dragging you out. "Have fun, Y/N!" Pete called out after you.

You were soon dumped into the passenger seat of a rusty, navy truck. Turning to the left you saw Jacob hop into the drivers seat, the whole car moved with his weight, settling when he did.

"You strapped in?" He asked, firmness in his voice. You quickly squirmed around, clicking the seatbelt in and nodding manically in his generally direction.

He gave a short nod back, turning the key in the car and starting up the engine, moving the gear and pulling out the driveway. You looked out the window, staring at Jen like a kicked puppy as the car drove away. Jen looked after you, face full of concerned.

The drive was long and silent. The grey sky barely illuminating the dim road. It was still morning, around 11 am. Yet it was so dark, damp and dreary. For some reason it gave you a shiver up your spine, although part of you imagined it was to be expected from such an oddly hollow and empty road.

The road looked out onto steep, sharp cliffs. It was a nice view, almost like a black and white photo you see in some cafés. Even behind the safety of the window you could still hear the strong, crushing waves and smell the salty air. It had been forever since you had seen the sea, and even longer since you had visited a beach.

You wondered if there were sharks or other dangerous animals. The waves looked so dangerous. It would be incredible to be so fierce, so loved yet feared. You wished you were like the sea.

Watching out the window you forgot all your anxiety, you lack of abilities others didn't even think about having. Your irrational fears and nightmares that seemed so real.

You were brought back to reality by a firm hand on your shoulder. For once, you didn't flinch away. Turning to face Jacob you heard his familiar firm voice. "We're here. C'mon."

With a small nod you clicked off the seatbelt, reaching and unlocking the somewhat stiff door and hopping outside.

It was an empty piece of land, however, you found you liked it better that way. As much as being so alone with this stranger made you nervous, you'd prefer it any day over being in a crowded place full of new faces.

Jacob jerked his head in the direction of a large, red shed like place. You hesitantly tagged behind, suddenly so aware how far away you were from home. You wanted Jen and Pete.

Nevertheless, you followed after Jacob, praying you would be able to go home soon.

Yandere Jacob Black X Metal Health ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now