Exploring new hidouts.

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The walk towards his workshop was short and tense. Your old, dirty trainers squished as you trekked through the soggy grass, leaving muddy footprints that immediately filled up with water.

You slumped through the large entrance. It was like going into a wall of heat, radio blaring old music in the background. Tools and car parts were scattered on the rough, concrete floor. Old cars, (some barely cars anymore,) and motorbikes lay in heaps in random parts of the room.

It looked cosy yet somewhat depressing. You felt sorry for the broken cars, they just wanted to drive around again.

Jacob's voice broke you out of your thoughts. "Y/N," he called. You looked over your shoulder, turning your body to him instinctively, only to jump out of your skin at the sudden closeness.

He have silently crept up on you, quickly too you guessed, as you could've sworn his voice sounded further away.

"Do you like it here?" He asked, an odd tone to his voice, his warm skin burning your cold one, even though you weren't touching. Your eyes were wide and you didn't know where to look. He took hold of your upper arm firmly, tugging you closer. You kept your eyes away from him, staring at the other side of the room.

His other hand came up and cupped just under your breast. You didnt know what happened but you didn't like it. You tried to cry out for him to stop, but nothing came out. His hand slid up and your quickly eyes filled with tears as you silently pushed against his chest, trying to distance yourself.

Jacob lowered his head and kissed down your neck. Your eyes clenched shut and your grit your teeth. You could feel his warm lips press harshly against such a vulnerable part. It was humiliating. Then something you didn't expect at all happened. He shoved you away, hard.

You hit the rough concrete floor with a soundless cry. The room suddenly felt so cold. "What?! You wanna run away?! You wanna run away like Belle?!" He yelled at you.

You didn't know who Belle was and you were scared. So scared you immediately shook your head, signalling you weren't wanting to run away. But you did.

His face relaxed. "That's good," he said simply, and walked off, leaving you on the floor with wide eyes. You didn't dare move, not even your gaze from the floor. But you could hear him, working away on a car.

One lone tear hit the rough concrete as you wished more than anything Jen and Pete were here. Pete would hold you as Jen would yell at Jacob to never go anywhere near you again.

Jacob continued to work as you lay there. It felt like a long time at first, but soon the hours slipped by you. As soon as any sort of metal stopped the hairs on your body rose in goosebumps and cold sweat appeared on your back. Heavy footsteps came towards the damp spot where you lay and your body was effortlessly lifted by the back of your jacket.

"You're so obedient," he commented. You were too scared to be insulted or angered by his statement. You simply reached behind you and held the arm that was lifting you to keep your weight from hanging by your armpits.

You could feel his strong gaze on you, but refused to look up. "Y/N," he growled. Your eyes clenched shut. Your feet touched the ground but soon your own body felt like it was being crushed. Jacob's strong arms trapped you in a vice grip.

"You are mine, you have no existence of your own. You are just something I own until I get sick of you." No one had ever spoken to you like this. You wanted to shout at him to shut up. Scream at him to let you go.

Your mouth opened wide but nothing came out. Your lungs burned as you soundlessly cried out, swore and struggled. Only to stop as you were pulled away and slapped, immediately  put in a chock hold after that.

His fingers crushed your windpipe. "Y/N," he whispered, almost gently. As if you were a child. Lifting one of your legs your kicked him were it hurt. Where it was supposed to hurt. Jacob's reaction was little to none, his teeth clenched, but he grip only tightened.

You thought you had felt panic before. No, this was real panic. You couldn't breath at all, you were going to die. But surely he wouldn't let you die, he was just going on about how he owned you and all.

And you were right. Just as black dots filled your vision, you jaw ached so hard it felt like it would snap and your head felt like it would explode, he let you.

You fell coughing on the floor.

Jacob only stood above you, watching. "We need to go," he stated after you had somewhat regained your breath and soothed your throat. He took your hand and pulled you towards inside his house and into the kitchen.

His house was warm and cosy, at least it would've neen if the situarion was different. For you everything you saw around the house seemed like a torture device.

From the fridge he removed a large bag of ice and opened it into the sink. The sharp pieces smashed into the harsh metal and you winced at the noise, watching silently, and wondering what he was doing. The tap was turned on, (also cold,) and you both stood there, waiting.

As it filled Jacob turned off the tap and pulled you forward, forced you to bend at the waist with his hand on the back of your head, and shoved your face into the freezing cold water.

It hurt so much, and once again you couldn't breath. The cold water both numbed you and felt like thousands of icy needles were picking your skin.

Just as you were about to pass out your head was pulled up. "That should've got rid of those bruises on your face quite nicely," he calmly stated, a hint of sadistic humour in his voice.

He was getting rid of them so you couldn't show Jen and Pete..

"Now, let's get you home shall we?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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Yandere Jacob Black X Metal Health ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now