Part 19

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Welp, I'm going to go to LA Universal tomorrow, but I'm not going without an update! I'll try to write more in the trip :D also, math prison camp is finally over!! I'm liek so happy right now! XD

Anyhow, onto the chapter!

I was roughly yanked to my feet, the cold blade still at my throat. I growled in frustration. I had Barbossa in my mercy! Now, it was I who was one step near death. I glared around at the circle of men, shrewdly calculating my chances of escape.

There were none.

Apparently these blithering idiots were smarter than they look, though how smart, I do not know. Also, it was evident that no one from my own crew could help me, as most were tied down, so I thought, It’s worth a shot.

“Shiver me timbers! A ghost!” I cried, pointing behind the overgrown men.

Half a dozen heads immediately whipped around, searching for the so called ghost.

This time, I wasted no time to for them to react.

Using the moment of distraction, I twisted the arm that held the blade against my neck and wrenched it with a sickening crack, then stabbed wielder in the stomach before he even had time to register what hit him.

One down, five more to go.

Barbossa faded away in the fight, but I wasn't worried about him right now. I have absolutely no clue how I'm going to overpower five huge pirates at once, but I shook my head as if physically shaking away the thought.

The others, by now, had noticed that their crewmate was down, but that clearly wasn't enough to stop them.

The circle of men suddenly lunged at me, but then something hit me—brain is as good as brawn. Plus, I was small, which definitely made me more agile than them. Right before they struck, I twisted under their burly arms and stabbed a man in the back. I didn't bother to look, but I knew that he had fallen. The others must've at least received a concussion from the harsh impact of each of their heads. My attention was on the other pirates.

This time they charged in a line, as if hoping that they wouldn't bang their heads again. Though I've got to say—their head is honestly pretty empty, so a few more whacks probably wouldn't effect them too much.

I smirked at the thought and with more force than usual, my cutlass ran straight through his gut as if he was mashed potato. Another pirate attacked, but I used the previous' body as a pincushion, then threw it at him, causing him to lose balance and topple over like dominos.

I smirked. Lucky that they didn't have much brains, or else I would've been pounded to a meat patty by their filthy, fat fists.

With the dais cleared, I finally looked down at the carasses laying around my feet. Then I realized that there was one more pirate.

He wasn't like the others—He was tall and evidently a lot skinnier than the rest. He bore an unreadable expression that betrayed none of his emotions or thoughts. It was kind of unnerving. I wasn't able to get any information at all simply by looking—which was something I was definitely not used to. Usually, assessing the enemy before actually fighting is what saves me since I wasn’t as large or strong as the average pirate.

He seems like the kind of person who would sit in the back while others fought his battle. I was getting a little scared since he didn't bother running at me and striking like the other pirates, but with no other options, I set my jaw and charged.

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