Part 20

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OMG 1k reads?! Really???!!! Thank you guys so much for reaching this milestone with me! I never expected my story to get so many reads!! <33

The pirate was expecting the thrust—our blades clashed together, the sound ringing sharply in my ears. He was definitely better at sword fighting than I gave him credit for. It continued like that—I stabbed and lunged, while he deflected. I was getting desperate by the second. Beads of sweat clung to the side of my face, my clothes stained with his comerades' blood. I can't give up. What Sparrow did to me before were forgotten as soon as he acknowledged that I was his daughter. I didn't want either of us to die before spending more time together.

The coppery stench of blood filled my nose, making my mind dizzy with it's choking hold. The world grew hazy, my legs buckling and turning to lead from the fatigue.

I won't last much longer...

I struck him with all the energy I had left, but the pirate parried my cutlass with a lazy flick of his wrist. My heart hammered in my chest as I gasped for air.

His cold blade slid against my throat and he lifted my chin. The pirate forced my eyes to meet his. Something flickered across his stoic face, but it was gone as quickly as it came, that it must've been a trick of the light.

His eyes sparkled in the dim light of the chamber. I didn't want to look away. The yells and clashing of swords faded into the background... I felt lost. I briefly recalled the time when I sat in my dinghy, aimlessly bobbing with the waves, a sea of blue in every direction, with no land in sight. I felt like Poseidon sent be back again, except the sea, this time, like his eyes, were a brilliant shade of silver and grey, with a slight hint of cerulean, the colors of one of the rarest pearls.

I was jerked back into reality. Jack had finally noticed me and had somehow successfully knocked out and tied down the tall pirate, despite the fact that he was drunk and was taking a rather large swig of rum, once again.

My vision blurred as I suddenly doubled over, my abdomen searing in pain as if lava had been poured across. Red spots danced in front of my eyes and I collapsed to the ground in pain. Sleep claimed me, crushing me with unending darkness.

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