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Yep, thats my name. You have no idea how much I love it but everyone else hates it. No one bullies me as they are all scared of my brother but I have no friends as I have learnt to be a loner and to work on my own. Any time that we have partner projects than I work on my own as the teachers all love me and they understand my situation.

I was walking down towards my locker to put my books away as I was listening to my music. I looked down at my phone to skip the song and the next moment I was on the floor as some jocks had knocked me over while running. All my books were spread over the floor so I started to collect them and a hand began helping me. I looked at the person who owned the hand and it was a gorgeous boy. He had a bit of a tan, raven black hair and blue eyes. He had quite a muscular build.

"Hi, are you ok?" he had such a nice voice it was deep but comforting at the same time.

"Yes, thank you." I was so confused on why someone, anyone was talking to me. "Are you new by any chance?"

"Yes I just in rolled in Gotham academy."

"Well, welcome. My name is Ivy," his face made a twinge at my name.

"My name is Richard but you can call me Dick." I giggled at Dick.

"Sorry, Im a bit immature as you can tell."

"Its fine. Im way more immature as you can tell when you get to know me." He wants to spend more time with me. I may have my first friend.


I was walking down a hallway to try and find my last class and some jocks ran past me and into a girl she collapsed to the floor. I went to go help her.

"Hi, are you ok?"

"Yes, thank you." Her voice sounded so sweet

"Are you new by any chance?

"Yes I just in rolled in Gotham academy."

"Well, welcome. My name is Ivy," hang on like poison ivy. Its probably nothing but Ill ask Bruce

"My name is Richard but you can call me Dick." She giggled at Dick.

"Sorry, Im a bit immature as you can tell."

"Its fine. Im way more immature as you can tell when you get to know me."

"Whats your last class?" I looked at my time table

"English. You?"

"Me too, Mr Frinch?"

"Yeah. Be back in a second." I had to check her on my phone.

"Yeah sure Ill meet you there."

I went to the bathroom and got my phone out and checked the archives. I looked at poison ivys first. No daughter recorded. Then I went to hers. Ivy oh crap I forgot to ask her last name. Ill just hack the school records as ivy cant be too much of a popular name. Ahh there we are, Ivy Vine Isley. Father unknown. Brother found. Mother found. I clicked to see it properly. Pamela Lillian Isley or better known as Poison Ivy. See I knew I was the son of batman not biological I know but same thing. *Ring Ring* oh crud thats the bell better be off to lessons.

I found my way in less than a minute.


I had sat down on the table and the bell went. Some popular boys came over and started hassling me.

"So, Rose. Jack wants an ugly friend. You up for it?" That was Cody. It gets so annoying when its said over and over again.

"Firstly her name is Ivy. Secondly shes beautiful. Thirdly no one actually cares." It was my brother Jack. He is my twin but he is older by 30 minutes. He always defends me even if Im wrong.

"Aw little Rose cant fight her own battles." That was the Codys girlfriend Kiki

"No she just doesnt want to catch stupid by talking to you." Dick walked in and said that

"What was that old boy?" Cody was getting annoyed.

"Stop annoying her she has done nothing wrong." Zack and Dick were teaming up on him.

Cody walked toward me and punched me in the face. I fell off the table on the floor. Zach came to my aid instantly and helped me up. When I looked up Dick was standing in front of me but far away. He was in a fighting stance as was Cody.

"Dick just leave it." I shouted out as I was walking towards the door to get to the bathroom to clean myself up. Codys friends were standing at the door not letting me pass.

"Just move!" I screamed at them but I didnt sound intimidating in the slightest. One of the boys just came towards me with a fist so I flinched waiting for impact but Dick had grabbed his fist and flipped him over his shoulder. I ran through the space out the door to not cause more drama. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in one of the cubicles. I was sobbing until I heard a voice that always calmed me instantly when I heard it.

"Darling come out please." I ran out and hugged the person.

"Mum." She lifted my chin to look at my face.

Poison ivy

I saw a black eye on my daughters face. I was horrified as I knew that she was so sweet and wouldnt hurt a fly. I would expect one on Zach as he was just like his father, always helping the innocent but at his own expense.

"Honey, who did this to you?" I said quite agitated.

"No one mum, it doesnt matter." She said on the verge of tears.

"Take me to your brother." I knew he would tell me.

We got to her class and when I got there Zach and three boys were fighting.

"BOYS STOP!" I shouted at them and they instantly stopped.

"Zach, are these the three boys that punched Ivy?" before Zach could answer Ivy butted in.

"No, Dick did nothing. He stopped someone punching me."

"Did he? Dick step forward." As I said that a black hair boy stepped forward.

"Thank you, come here." He stepped aside to me. I got my vines to wrap around the boys ankles and tipped them upside down.

"Is anyone going to bully my daughter again?" they shook their heads vigorously.

"Mum stop!" she shouted and threw her hands forward. Vines flew forward from behind her and wrapped around me. I just stroked them and they retracted.

"I knew it. You have my powers." I was ecstatic.

Bruce Wayne walked in. "Dick what is taking so long the bell went ages ago and I have been waiting. He stopped instantly when he looked at me and saw me in costume. Crap I'm supposed to be in Arkam.


"Yeah?" my daughter replied


"Wait, youre named ivy too?" he said as he looked at her

"Yeah. Mum wanted me to have the same name and Zach to be named after her dad." (A/n If thats wrong than sorry.)

"May I ask who you your dad is Little Ivy? May I call you that so I dont get confused?" Bruce said

"I dont know sir." She replied sweetly as always. By now everyone had left it was just me, Ivy, Zach, Dick and Bruce.

"I can tell you. Your dad is.."

Ivy Vine Isley (Dick Grayson fanfic) [#wattys2018]Where stories live. Discover now