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In two weeks I go to court against Cody on assault charges. It has been a week and I am now out of shock enough to talk about it. I have to go to Bruce's office now to talk about it. I know I can do it but I felt so helpless and the words that Bruce said in my dream just seemed so weird and I was so afraid that it's what he felt truly. I shouldn't think about this too much as I'm probably overthinking it.

"IVY!!!" I opened my bed room door and went down to him. I knocked on his door. "Come in." as I walked in I sensed someone else in the room but I said nothing as if I knew than Bruce knew. he is Batman after all. "Ivy, we need to talk about what happened with Cody." I closed my eyes as if it was hard to talk about but when I opened them stared at the plant hoping that mum would help. " I was walking back from shopping and I walked when SOMEONE seemed to be BEHIND me and all I was doing was thinking about YOU to give me strength." I raised my voice a bit on some words to hope that he'd get the message. he just nodded and I knew that he got it. He stood up and walked out from his desk to give me a chance to leave. I refused. I pressed my button on the bracelet just incase.

The man came out from the shadows of the office and tried to punch Bruce but he didn't block it. Bruce fell down as if in pain and the man pulled out two guns and pointed them at me and Bruce. I acted like I was having a panic attack and Bruce asked if he could try and calm me down. the man agreed so that it wouldn't arouse suspicion. Bruce came over and whispered in my ear to pretend to faint so I did. Bruce picked me up and said that he needed to get me help. this was clearly the mans first kill so he let him. Bruce walked me out and the man followed just like planned. Zach saw me in Bruce's arms so he picked me up and took me to my room. I opened my eyes in the room and began getting changed. once I was changed in my suit I went to help Bruce. I manipulated the vines to be able to climb across the ceiling and I crawled across it and jumped down the man shot at me but a mysterious flower grew from the plant pots and blocked it. I stayed behind the flower while closing my eyes and trying to imagine the vines wrapping round his arms and legs immobilising him and I heard a groan. I walked out from the flower and it happened. "I did it." I whispered. Robin came along from the shadows and punched the man in the face knocking him out instantly. I could had more help from you about a minute ago you know." I said agitated. "you had it handled." he smiled at me. I knew what that meant. "wait I did this solo?" I said in disbelief. "yeah you did and I said that when you prove that you can improvise and do things on your own than you can be flower." Bruce said. "actually I didn't do it on my own." I said truthfully. "wait who helped you." Dick said. "Mum." I said pointing to the flower. they nodded. Bruce started to walk away so I did too. "Ivy?" Bruce said. "Yeah?" "well done with telling me the way you did but try not to be so obvious next time, by the way I knew too." he said. I just nodded. I walked to my room and got changed into black leggings and a black crop top.

I went out into my corner of the garden and put my hand on the floor and concentrated. I tried to make a sculpture of myself in flowers. "the eyes need to be greener." Zach said so I did that. "I think you are more powerful than mum as she tried but could never do that." I smiled at him. I walked back into the house and went to the kitchen. "Ivy could you nip to the shops and get me some eggs." Alfred asked. I walked out and walked to the garage and took my pink bike. yes I can ride it. I rode to the shops and picked up some eggs and walked to the till. I stayed looking at the floor. "1.99." a familiar voice said. I looked up and saw a man in clown makeup with a purple suit and green hair.Joker. I needed to seem scared so he wouldn't be suspicious. so I pretended to hyperventilate. you know how many times in one day can a person be held up at gunpoint. "please I will give you my money just let me go." if I was in uniform I would beat your ass, for mum. I will have your money but I have a mission to kill you. he is paying me so much!" than he did that gut wrenching laugh. a vine wrapped around my leg to say that everything will be fine. I couldn't help but smile at mum. "what you laughing for. I think that I will make that smile last forever." he cackled and put a knife up to my face to make me have the same scars that he has. he came towards me with the knife slowly like he was calculating. I kicked him in the balls and ran for the door. a woman in a jester costume stood in front of the door and wacked me in the head with a massive hammer. I fell to the floor as if it hurt but I put my hand on the floor and made vines wrap around them and stood up "who did that?" I said cluelussly. I ran out the door and to my bike and saw it smashed. "shit!" I said as I fell to the floor on my knees as I turned around to see joker cutting the vines. I turned around again to try and run but a bike skidded until it was in front of me and they lifted up the helmet lid and it was Dick. he plopped a helmet on my head. "well get on he said." I got on the bike and hugged his chest so I wouldn't fall off.

"well that you're welmed." he said. "what?" I said. "you're not overwhelmed or underwhelmed so you must be whelmed." he said. I screamed out in pain. he stopped the bike and got off to see me. I was in immense pain for some reason. at that moment Batman called. Dick picked up. "Dick Grayson on Ivy's phone." he said while I was in a lot of pain. "Dick it's Bruce where's Ivy is she okay?" he said worried. "no, she's screaming in pain what's up?" Dick asked while hugging me. "Joker is cutting down tree's and shouting at them saying that he want the person who makes vines." Dick was saying something but I was seeing black dots and I blacked out.


I saw Ivy falling so I caught her. "look Bruce I gotta go as Ivy's just fainted and I need to get her back." I hung up and strapped Ivy to my chest so she wouldn't fall off and made it back to the cave and put her on the table. "why did it affect her now." I asked. "cause she has used her powers a lot today and she was weaker." Bruce said. Zach was practicing his shapeshifting and he turned into a bird and flew to the top of the cave and saw Ivy and came down. he just looked at her and went to a plant. "it's all your fault that she's there you're supposed to protect her when I can't. why can't you just help her out for once. you made my life hell and hers but now you're happy and we can't be!" he shouted at it. I put my hand on his shoulder and he brushed it off and shifted into a bat and flew off with the other bats while I went to ivy and saw her face in a sour expression. she was obviously in pain so I held her hand.

( omg 1432 words. I knew I hadn't updated in a while so I needed it to be big. I was crying this morning when I got the comment and saw how many readers I had. I never thought that it would be this big. thank you so much.) :'D

Ivy Vine Isley (Dick Grayson fanfic) [#wattys2018]Where stories live. Discover now