Chapter 6: The Path to War

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Chapter 6

Darth Zion stood over his apprentice, who was kneeling obediently in front of him. Nexu had been successful in the tasks he had been given so far. They were beginning to assemble an army that they would lead to victory, and Zion knew that without  his son's efforts, none of it would be possible. However, it wasn't in his nature to reward his apprentices. That only weakened them by giving them more than they needed. No, Zion would not reward his son for his excellent performance as of yet. Instead, he would train him further, and break him down even more until all that remained within him was anger, and hatred.

"What is thy bidding, my master?" Nexu asked with a bowed head, not making eye contact with the powerful being.

"Your services have been useful, young Nexu. But you are not yet ready for the war that is to come. You have grown stronger since you abandoned the pathetic teachings of the Jedi, and yet you are still so weak" Zion spoke cruelly. His words sounded more like scolding than praise, and bitterness was evident in his gruff voice. Suddenly, without warning, Zion unleashed lighting on his apprentice, sending the younger man flying backwards and into a large tree. Nexu felt the immense pain as the lightning shot through his body, He let out a yell as he felt the full wrath of his master unleashed upon him. As quickly as it started, the lightning stopped, leaving Nexu on the ground, his clothes charred and his skin feeling as if it was on fire.

"You must learn endurance, boy. You must be prepared to defend yourself at any instant. If you are to be worthy of being my apprentice, you must become better. Otherwise, you will be cast aside as your brother was" Zion said with evil in his voice. He raised the hood of his black robe and began to walk away, leaving Nexu on the ground, his rage swelling up, along with a new hatred for his master.

Naboo was one of the most peaceful planets in the Republic, and possibly even in the galaxy. Its beautiful waterfalls, mountains, fields, and forests made it a perfect place for one to come to relax, and to escape the struggles of daily life. Of course, Naboo also had thriving cities as well, and had become quite prominent in politics over recent years. Though not nearly as busy as coruscant the streets of Theed, Naboo's capital city, were filled with all types of people, most of whom seemed to be very friendly. However, unbeknownst to the residents of the city, there was a fugitive mixed in with the people there. One who was trying to the best of her abilities to remain unseen, and keep a low profile.

As Kels walked swiftly through the streets of theed, pocketing the small rations which she had just purchased with the last of her credits, she couldn't help but to feel sadness creep over her. This is what her life had become. The once great Jedi Knight was now hiding from the very people she had spent so many years fighting for. It was pathetic, and she hated it. But more than that, she hated the Jedi for putting her in this position. For a split second, she thought about Nikkus. He was just as responsible as the Jedi were for this. He was the one they were after. If not for him, she would never have been betrayed.

'No' She thought to herself, pushing the thought to the side. Nikkus was a victim, just like her. The last time she saw him, he was being escorted to meet Master Ka, and after that, Kels had figured he would be shipped off to the spice mines of Kessel, where they used the worst criminals for labor, or, even worse, the Zenith facility. She didn't even know if he was alive, but she had faith that he was, and she hoped that one day, maybe, he would come for her.

Finally reaching the small speeder bike which she kept on the outskirts of town, Kels lifted her leg over the seat and sat down, adjusting herself until she was comfortable. With a twist of her wrist, the bike shot forward, speeding away from the city and towards the small camp she had made for herself when she arrived months earlier.

Normally, she would have admired the view as she rode along, but today was different. She wasn't sure why, or how, but she could feel it in the force. A change that she couldn't quite place. Yes, today was definitely different than most days, and she knew that she would soon realize why.

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