when i was young, i used to stay at my grandparents' house.
they had a walk-in attic which i was absolutely petrified of.
and of course, i had to sleep in the room just past the attic.
the house was out in the countryside. it was so quiet you could always hear if anyone else was still up.
i used to have real trouble getting to sleep and would often wake up in the middle of the night afraid to move so i would just stay still.
one night, i woke up at around 3:00-4:00 AM.
i was feeling brave and i was going to get over this stupid fear of the dark.
so i whispered under my breath, "if anything is there, please tell me."
almost instantly there was two knocks on my bedroom door.
Fantastiquemonsters don't sleep under your bed. they sleep inside your head.