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Okay, here I go. My first story. Deep breath . . .

So, hi everyone! Or, I guess I should say: hi absolutely no one! Because I'm sure exactly zero people are going to read this, and I'm pretty sure I'm just shouting into the deep, dark abyss of Wattpad oblivion. But whatever. I don't care. If I don't force myself to start posting segments of my novel every day or so, I know I'll never actually write it. And so I really want to write this novel. Doing it means a lot to me. That's why I've decided to publicly commit to it in the first post.

Before we start could you guys do me a small favor and read AlexandraSelineF_25 story? I've only just started it but I can tell you all it's great!

So..... Um.... On with the intro!

In case someone actually does end up following this, thank you SO MUCH for reading! Seriously, you're awesome and I love you! Please ignore the fact that I totally don't know you, but you are reading my book, so I love you anyway despite the mayor flaw in our relationship. That sounded weird.... Anyway!

If you have any questions, just comment! Best way to reach me. I'll totally respond.

The first chapter of this story will be updated shortly. I have no idea why I'm doing this haha.  I don't even have any idea why I'm writing. I'm probably terrible at it.

Be warned, I am a sucker for clichés and I will stop at nothing to see a happy ending happen to ALL OF MY OTPS.


*clears throat* um...sorry about that....hahaha.....haha.....haa.... I'll shut up now.

Anyway, thanks again for giving this story a chance and I truly hope you enjoy it!

Love lots,

xoxo -Røse

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