Our Ups and Downs Chapter 3

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--------Toshiro's POV--------

I don't know if I should tell her the news or not. I mean, she just woke up. I want her to have a good time before I tell her what is going on.

"Is something wrong, Toshiro?" she asked me. I could sense the concern in her voice. I shook my head. I will tell her once she has had some time to wake up. "Are you sure?" she asked me, knowing that I was lying. I nodded again.

To stop her from asking any more questions that will not get her anywhere, I kiss her on the lips. I could tell that she was shocked. She didn't try to fight me off, but there was something weird about her reaction. She seemed to be kind of...scared.

"Toshiro Hitsugaya!" she screamed at me when I finally pulled away. "Tell me what is going on, right now!" I sighed, I really don't want to tell her just yet. I want her to be able to relax for a while before I tell her the she has a life-threatening disease.

"OK, I really didn't want to tell you this yet. Your dad told me that you have a life-threatening disease," I told her. She stared at me in shock.

--------Karin POV--------

I can't believe that he wanted to keep this from me. "Why did you want to keep this from me, Toshi?" I could tell that he was very sorry for his actions.

"I only kept this from you because I wanted you to be able to relax for a while before you were all tense because of your conditions." he told me.

"What is the other thing that is going on with me, Toshi?" I asked him. He didn't speak, all he did was rest his hand on my stomach. My eyes widened.

I'm pregnant? I know that I wanted a little child to hold in my arms, but why now? "How far?" I asked the snow white-haired Soul Reaper.

"About six weeks, Karin," he told me.

"So, it happened when you were watching over me when everyone got into that accident?" I asked. Toshiro nodded in response.

I was so happy that I had a little human being inside of me. I thought about what gender I wanted it to be, what I would name it, and who it would take after the most; then my thoughts went back to my disease.

"Toshiro, is there anything that I can do for the disease?" I asked him.

"There is one treatment that you dad told me about. I don't think that you will like it though," he told me. Judging by the sound of his voice, he was right, I wouldn't like it.

"Why won't I like it?" I asked him, hoping that it wouldn't harm my baby.

"Your dad told me that it could possibly harm our child," Right when he said that, tears started to flow down both of our cheeks.

Rangiku couldn't have picked the worst time to walk into the room. She came in screaming, "Hey, Captain! I came to ask you...what is going on in here!" She saw that Toshiro and I were crying. "Guys, why are you crying?" she asked us. Both of us, however, were unable to speak because of how hard we were crying.

Instead of continuing to scream, she came over to us so she could give us a big hug. Normally, we would back away because of her big breasts, but we actually allowed er to hug us.

When we finally calmed down, she asked us, "OK, why were you two crying like someone just died?" Hearing that, I broke down crying again.

Someone might as well have died. I thought. This feeling right now was the same feeling that I had when my mom died.

When I happened to look at Toshiro, he wasn't crying, but he was trying to hold back the tears that wanted to desperately flow down his cheeks. "Then he began to tell Rangiku what was going on with us. "Karin has a potentially fatal disease." That earned a gasp from Rangiku. "That is not all," Toshiro continued. "Karin is also pregnant." Again, he earned a gasp from Rangiku.


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