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"Hi, Is Scott Lang there?" I ask the man on the other side of the line. I suppose that the guy who answered the phone is one of his colleagues that helped him pull of the PYM Tech destruction thing. "Who's this?" The man asks suspiciously.

"Uh..tell him it's urgent." I answer. I doubt they'll believe me when I tell them I'm an Avenger seeking help from the  Ant-Man specially after Sam's last encounter with him. "Whatever...Yo Scott! there's some random lady calling you!" The guy yells out.

"I don't know man, that's why I said random lady."  I overhear them yell out to each other.

"Hello?" Scott finally answers. "Hi Mr.Lang it's Merly Velasko. I wanted to ask you if you could..." I begin introducing myself but am soon cut off by Scott. "Wait...the Merly Velasko as in the Raven, the Avenger!?

"Yes. Now look I understand that you have..."

"Oh my god! I can't believe this, It's such an honor to even be speaking to you. Wait how did you get my number?" He rambles. Figured he'd be like this everyone always is. If Scott, a grown man reacts like this then I can't imagine how the 15 year old boy in Queens would react if I called him.

"Courtesy of our mutual friend. Now I'm asking for your help. As you have probably heard Cap and I are considered fugitives of the law..." These things aren't easy to say out loud in reality.

"I know that feeling all too well,uh continue. Sorry."

"I can't explain everything on the phone because it's not safe. Someone is probably already listening in. Basically we need to stop some psycho assassins. Are you in or not?" I ask him. I only have about 15 seconds left before Tony figures out my phone call patterns.

"Uh, Hank doesn't really want the suit tech around Stark, so..."

"Oh no worries about that. He's not with us anymore." I reassure him. I remember once hearing a story from Peggy about Hank being the first Ant-Man and being warry of Howard and others at SHIELD.

"Oh god! what happened?" Scott asks worried. Oh wait,I see how my wording confused him. "Oh what? No! He's fine. He's just not working with us." I clarify.

"Oh thank god." Scott sighs in relief. "Well okay. I'm in."

"Alright. I'll send someone to pick you up." With that I hang up and proceed on my back-up list.
So far Jessica Drew is trying to get back on her feet after HYDRA and everyone else in Hell's Kitchen already has a Hand full. Gemini is back at the base, which is under heavy supervision. Thor is somwhere in Asgard and Bruce has mysteriously disappeared off the face of the earth. Sharon only agreed to bring us our suits. It's times like these when I realise that I don't have many friends.

After a couple of minutes in my isolated silence inside a stolen SUV the stolen prepaid phone sitting in the passenger seat next to me begins ringing. I only click the answer button instead of saying something. "I hope you arrive to that airport in less than 30 minutes." Fury's voice rings through and I sigh in relief.

"How did you know?" I ask Fury.

"How do you think Barton got around in such a short time?" He sasses me a lot nowadays. Tough love.

"My guess is that everyone is there already there, right?" I ask as I turn on the engine and speed away from the warehouse.

"If my calculations are correct, they just arrived. And so will the others. One of Stark's jets took off from Queens not long ago and can you guess who's on it?" Fury informs me.

I slam my fists on to the dashboard. Dammit. "He's bringing the kid isn't he." I've been really hesitant on bringing young ones with us, Clint said he was going to ask Wanda and Pietro if they wanted to. They're kids, they don't deserve this type of life.

"And Winters is also taging along
Now it's your job to make sure nobody gets killed." Fury has always been like the dad of the Avengers, so when the parent leaves the children go off and try to kill each other. "I trust you can do this."

"Not if Winters kills me first. You know she hates my guts." I tell him. I still don't know why she hates me so much, all I've been doing is my job and that is making sure no one dies while on the job. Yet Amethyst hates me for saving her life I suppose.

"Then try not to die woman."

"Yes sir."

Quick reminder: Gemini is a character created by -rosepetal

And Amethyst Winters is the cameo character created by Negative-BlackBird

And Pietro is also still alive in this story...

On another note...have you guys seen Teen Wolf and Game of Thrones lately !!😱

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