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AN: Get ready for some gayness😶😏lol

And quick very important question...when does Ragnarok happen according to mcu events?


Within an hour, thanks to the amazing Wakandan aircraft technology, we arrived to London. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Okoye asks with a disgusted face. It's a super sketchy part of London but it's the place Jessica Drew decided to live temporarily to practice her crime fighting.

I carefully step off the aircraft without faceplanting. "I'll be fine!" I call out over the loud winds that the engines stirr up, causing my stray hair to chaotically move across my face. Okoye nods and gives me a thumbs up before closing the door. "It's your funeral." She replies. I step back and watch the aircraft leave me on a deserted building.

I hook my fingers around the straps of my backpack and make my way into the crowded streets not far from me.


2 hours.

I've been aimlessly walking around the crime filled city for 2 godamn hours. I bought some pretzels earlier and some random bloke tried to rob me of my money. He ended up getting tazerd on the balls because I am just too fed up to be dealing with assholes after losing my family and locking up my ex-boyfriend in a freezer in a country I had never really been to. So yeah, I am losing patience with every second that goes by.

It's getting real late Jess! Where in the hell are you?

A man wearing a hoodie approaches me in the most suspicious way. Dude would it kill you to be inscopicous. He looks around before reaching into his back pocket, my hands linger on the knife tucked away inside my jacket. Just when he's mere inches away from me he pulls out a small card and tosses it to me. My attention shifts to catching the card swriling with the wind, I turn around to question the man but he's already disappeared in the crowd. Thanks for nearly giving me a heart attack. Asshole.

I flip the card over and read the scribbled writing on it.

Kadie's Mos Eisley

Your love💋

A huge kiss stain is stamped across the card. Honestly I'm embarrassed to say that it took me less than a second to know who's lips this mark came from.

"Um, excuse me do you know where this is?" I ask an old lady passing by. She reads it and gives me a nasty look before pointing me in the direction of the bar I suppose.


Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me!

A neon stripper sign glows above the bar/strip club. I walk in and receive a few odd stares from some naked women passing by with men hooked around them. Maybe I'm in the wrong-

"There you are sweetheart." A sensual female voice says from behind me. This bitch. Her hand grips my shoulder and spins me around, but before I can do or say anything she has her plump lips against mine. I grab her shoulder to push her away but she whispers "don't" into my lips. The man at the entrance gives me an odd look so I grab her by the hips and carry her into the backrooms I saw the previous nude women step into.

She breaks away from our kiss and walks up to a woman sitting at a small sofa at the end of the hall. "A room please." I can barely make out anyones features in the dim red lighting but I manage to notice that my dear friend has changed her hairstyle.

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