You Get Lost in the T.A.R.D.I.S

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You Get Lost in the T.A.R.D.I.S

The cold air began to seep in through the T.A.R.D.I.S's walls as it sat on the surface of the cold, rocky planet Gilderia. Specific instructions from the Doctor advised that you stay in the T.A.R.D.I.S, for the chemicals that permeated the air were fatal for human lungs. A half hour had passed on by, and he still wasn't back, so you decided to take a short stroll to discover a bit more of the T.A.R.D.I.S. You had been informed that the T.A.R.D.I.S was a quite immense piece of machinery, and that you should be abnormally cautious of the doors you decide to go through. Keeping these details in the back of your mind, you stand up from the leather padding that was placed underneath you and head over to a side table to retrieve and extra jacket, for the temperature from the alien air gave you another wave of chills. The Doctor had left it out before he ventured off, so you figured he wouldn't mind you wearing it. Slipping your arms through the loose, black fabric, you ambled up the stairs and to the exit of the control room. As you opened the metallic door, you were quite surprised at the sight of the extravagant hallway that extended in front of you. It looked as if it were nearly 3 miles long, yet you convinced yourself that is must just be an illusion created by the mystical mind of the Doctor. You stepped through the doorframe and began to walk straight ahead, hearing the loud thud of the control room door slamming behind you. You look back simply from instinct and noticed a sign above the door that said "Control Room 1". Feelings of excitement and anxiety began to fill your veins as the thought of what could lie ahead filled your mind. You continued to stroll down the hallway when you suddenly come upon a door matched with a sign saying "Art Gallery: Melanistic Period" You figured it must have been part of the time lord timeline, for you could not recall a "Melanistic Period" on Earth. The word "Art" caught your attention immediately, so you open the intricate door and walk through. The structure and design of the room put you in awe. The floor was tiled with white squares, lined up so perfectly it seemed as if you were simply walking on the clouds. The walls were painted a deep blue, yet somehow they were illuminated in just a way where every inch seemed to be a different shade of blue, creating the illusion that the walls themselves were the master art being displayed. To finalize the setup of the room, in the center hung one of the most detailed chandeliers your eyes had ever laid on. It must have been made up of at least 10,000 clear crystals, all lined up in a way that seemed to make out a symbol that you were unable to decipher. As you continued forward, you were unable to define the amazement you felt while seeing all of these magnificent pieces of art. You remembered the Doctor had described the style of Gallifreyan art to you once before. He said that these paintings were visualized in 3D because they were simply frozen moments of time, or at least to him it was simple. Although all paintings greatly caught your interest, there was a specific painting you had spotted that you were heading towards. After roaming around for another 5 minutes, you finally come upon the painting. It was created in the scene of a town. The sky was painted with alluring shades of red, orange, and pink, sitting behind very large and cottony clouds. In the town, a vast tower grew up into the sky. Its appearance made it seem Almost as if its role was to serve as a government building of some sort. The building seemed to be made out of fine bronze and gold, elaborated with some other unknown metal. Surrounding the tower were very unique and intricate houses. The designs astonished you with their architectural style. They looked as if they were built with similar materials as the main tower, yet designed with much less detail. Although the painting was filled with many wonders, such as all the others, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, causing you to wonder why this painting seemed to stick out to you so much. Ignoring the feeling that this painting served for any importance, you turn around and head for the grand doors separating the art room from the hallway. As you open the door, you were astonished and utterly confused at the sight presented to you. The hallway was not the same as when you entered the gallery. You noticed a clock hanging on the wall showing the time 3:45. Realizing you had been gone for an hour, you decided it was best to start your travels back to the control room, for there was a high probability that the Doctor had made it back already. Despite the fact that the hallway had mysteriously changed, you decided it was best to head back in the direction you came from. Your mind began to fill with worry as you estimate you had been traveling for around 20 minutes, and there was absolutely no sight of the control room anywhere nearby. Out of panic, you increase your speed to a faster walking pace as you continued down the hallway. Another estimated 20 minutes passed and you had become officially frightened. You specifically remember that the art gallery and control room were a mere 15 minutes apart, and you knew you had been traveling for about double that time. Fright overtook your body as your walking pace turned into a jog, tracing your steps along the simple grey flooring ahead of you. Out of panic, you open and run through an undecorated door leading you into yet another endless hallway. Your footprints echoed throughout the hallways as you stomped your feet from running in an attempt to find your way back to the control room. Tears were beginning to trickle down your face from the distress you were currently feeling. After an approximated 30 minutes of running door through door, your body and mind decided to give up hope as you sat on the floor against the wall and began to cry your heart out. Thoughts of never getting out and never seeing the ones you love fed these tears, for you knew that this was the grandest and most complicated spaceship in the entire universe. With a hoarse and shaky voice, you called out "DOCTOR!!" multiple times with any hope that he may hear you, even though you knew there was no way. The feeling of this much fright slightly confused you, for you had been on many more dangerous and life threatening "trips" with the Doctor before. You then recalled that the Doctor mentioned that some chemicals that leaked from a few rooms are foreign to the human brain, causing exaggerated emotions. The feeling of dejection that had developed had convinced you to just stay put and wait to see what happens. You were aware that continually running would simply mislead you even more, and you had absolutely no clue where to go. Another estimated 4 hours go by in this state, and the running, crying, and pure hunger caused drowsiness to overtake your body. You place your head on top of your arms which were laying across your knees, and fall into the deep void of sleep. What seemed to be a lifetime later, you are awoken by a constant shouting nearby. "Y/N, Y/N!!! Y/N PLEASE IF YOU CAN HEAR ME PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!!" Your eyes shot open to the sound of this and you stood up very rapidly, forgetting about your state of hunger and dehydration. Your undernourished state caused you to collapse back onto the ground, and soon followed the dizziness and nausea. Your vision had become extremely blurry, yet you noticed at the other end of the hall a figure moving very rapidly towards you. Eventually, the figure caught up to your weakened body and grabbed ahold of you tightly. By the feeling of the warm fabric and his constant mumbling, you were able to identify the figure as the Doctor. You simply let his comforting grasp calm the uncontrollable crying and shaking escaping your body. "Sshhhh, sshhhh, its all gonna be ok, Im here now" the Doctor mentions. He continues to hold you tightly in a warm hug on the floor, understanding the trouble you are having with the task of lifting your self up. He holds your weakened face up between his hands and plants a gentle kiss on top of your forehead, knowing that you love when he does that. He takes his elegant fingers and wipes your desperate tears away, drying your face. You lay against his chest as he holds you closely and tightly, petting your hair pleasantly in an attempt to calm you down. "Its gonna be ok my beautiful mystery girl, I promise I will always be here for you." With the constant protective words escaping the Doctor's mouth and the feeling of the snug cloth of his clothes, you fall into an unwakeable sleep against his soothing chest. Realizing you are too weak to move and too tired to be woken up, he picks you up into his arms and searches for a safe place to let you rest as he strolled back down the hallways of the grand T.A.R.D.I.S.

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