Your First Foreign Planet

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Your First Foreign Planet

The T.A.R.D.I.S landed with a thud on the foreign soil. The doctor, being his normal self, was jumping with excitement all around. The smile spread across his face showed you how thrilled he was to show you your first foreign planet. Your facial expressions showed that you were exhilarated to step foot on your very first alien planet, but your mind was more attentive to fear. You were still trying to grasp the concept that the T.A.R.D.I.S's inside did not look like it's outside. You really weren't sure if you were ready to see something that was simply a childhood fantasy. But who else gets to experience this? Taking control of your racing mind, you pushed aside the fear and walked towards the door. The doctor looked at you with his fierce and wise green eyes and asked "Y/N, are you ready?" With an obnoxiously large smile on your face, you harshly nodded. With a growing smile on his face, the Doctor reached from behind you and grabbed the T.A.R.D.I.S door's handle, and with a presenting motion, swiftly opened its doors. You gasped as you took in the scenery which laid before you. The sky was filled with a beautiful dancing mixture of pink, red, and orange, making it subtle yet vibrant. Almost as a replacement of grass, the ground was blanketed with a whitish/silverish layer of..... who knew what. Ahead laid large mountains and unique animals that nearly looked like mutated versions of Earth's animals. Before you knew it, the doctor has rushed passed you and jumped out onto the alien soil. He spread his hands and took in a deep breath, taking in the fresh air which surrounded him. He then turned around and with his hands in the air, yelled "Y/N, welcome to the planet Artoul!" You giggled quietly at his outgoing and, you had to admit, adorable motion. He took a few steps towards you and held out his hand. You took it and slowly laid your foot onto the weird, white, snow-like ground. After fully exiting the T.A.R.D.I.S, you looked up at the doctor with your thrilled eyes and exchanged a few more smiles. "Wow... this is amazing!" you exclaimed.

"And this is only the beginning" the doctor mysteriously hints. He tightened his grip around your hand and gently pulled you towards a village in the distance you previously failed to acknowledge. You both ran off as the doctor yelled throughout the foreign air,


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