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i walk to my locker and throw my books into it. 

he didn't even have the decency to come to school and face me.

i then slam my locker closed and walk out the doors of this dumb school. walking home and ignoring everyone is my only priority. 

"Dakota, wait up" Grayson yells

i sigh and stop walking, waiting for him to catch up

"why have you been so moody today? are you on your...you know?" he asks

"no i'm not on my period Grayson" i snap

"are you sure?"

i sigh and look at him "i'm sorry. it's just that a lot has been on my mind recently and i'm really stressed out"

"like what?"

i keep my head down and continue to walk

"come on. tell me. we're best friends, remember?"

"i guess so. fine, i'll tell you. last night, i told Ethan that i missed hanging out with him. like hearing his stupid little nicknames for me and me pretending to get annoyed by them, but i secretly liked it. he kept pushing me away and i told him that he couldn't get rid of me that easily. then he went off saying that he doesn't have feelings and how i'm too pure for him. i'm just confused, Grayson. i really like him, why is he making it so difficult?"

"he's probably scared, Dakota"


Grayson sighs "i shouldn't be telling you this, but it'll explain why he is acting the way he is." he takes a deep breath "Ethan only ever dated and had one girlfriend. they were inseparable for a little over a year. Ethan loved her and he thought she loved him, but she was actually cheating on him for like six months. when Ethan found out, he was heartbroken. he didn't come out of his room for months. every time i walked by, i heard him crying or sniffling and i felt so bad. but what could i do? she had broken his heart and there was no one who could pick up the pieces"

"Gray, i've got to talk to him" i said running past him

"go get him" he yells after me

i look back and see him smirking. i smile and continue to run to their house

i twist the door handle and it surprisingly opens. i run inside and make my way to Ethan's room

i knock and hear footsteps become louder and louder, until they stop and the door opens. i see Ethan in sweatpants and a t-shirt, something i've never seen him in before. his hair is untamed and all over the place, somehow messier than how he usually wears it. 

he looks relaxed, almost normal.

"Dakota? what are you doing here?" he asks

"i came to do this" i say and smash my lips into his

he lightly pushes me off of him "what are you doing?" he asks

"kissing you"

"i know, but why?"

"because i like you"

a gleam of happiness flashes across his face before it's wiped away "no you can't. i'll ruin you. i'll-"

i cut him off "you've already been over this, Ethan. you think i'm too pure and that you'll ruin me, but you're wrong. you are capable of feelings. i know you are because you've been in a relationship before" 

anger consumes his face and i instantly regret it

"how'd you know?" he asks, clenching his hands into fists


"i'm going to kill him" he says through gritted teeth

i place a hand on his left hand that is balled into a fist and slowly unclench his hand. he lets me, watching my every move. i place my hand on his and intertwine our hands.

"it's okay to have a past, Ethan. everyone does. you don't have to be ashamed of it"

he is quiet for a moment "i'm not ashamed of my past. i'm ashamed of the present and what's to come in the future. i use girls and throw them away. i disrespect them and that's something i never thought i'd do. i was raised differently. i was taught to respect girls, not use them. i'm ashamed of myself and how i continue to do what i know is wrong. i've dug myself so deep and i don't know how to get out or if i'll be able to. i'm failing all my classes. i have no real friends. i have no future, but it's okay because i  deserve it. all of it."

i kiss his cheek "you deserve a future, Ethan. you deserve to be happy again. i'll tutor you and help you get better grades. i'll keep you away from the baddies. i'll reteach you how to respect girls. i'll show you how to make friends, real ones. i'll help you Ethan, but you have to let me"

he turns towards me and smiles "i'll let you"

i smile back and hug him

<Ethan's POV>

i'm going to let her help me and i'm going to listen. i won't mess this up. i have a chance to change and it won't be wasted. her time won't be wasted.

just holding her in my arms, makes me feel like i'm actually worth something.

maybe she is my future

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