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It's been two weeks since my last encounter with Jimin and I haven't seen him for a little bit. he disappeared again.

I sigh, I really want to talk to him but it doesn't seem like he wants to talk to me at all.

"What are you sighing about?" Yoongi asks, walking into the room.

"Jimin," I say, moving from my previous sitting position so that now I'm laying on the couch.

"Why Jimin?" Yoongi asks.

"I haven't seen him at all for a couple of weeks," I say. "He disappeared again,"

Yoongi nods, not having seen the younger boy yet since their last meeting.

"What if he's gone again like he was the past few years and I never see him again," I say. "We just found him and what if he disappears again? I don't want that to happen,"

"None of us want that to happen," Yoongi says, "I don't think he'll leave for that long again,"

"I hope not," I agree. 

Yoongi grabs his jacket that's on the couch and puts on his shoes.

"I'm going over to the studio to work on a song with Namjoon. I probably wont be back tonight," He says, standing up and grabbing his phone. "I went shopping the other day so there is food in the fridge and if you need anything just call me,"

"Alright, when are you coming back?" I ask, turning the TV on and flipping through random channels.

"Either late tomorrow or the next day. You know that I spend lots of time in the studio," He says and I nod. Normally he's gone for a few days. "I'll probably stay at Namjoon's for a night or two since he has equiptment too and we can work on it at his house,"

"Okay, have fun," I say as he heads to the front door. "Bye,"

"Bye," Yoongi says, closing the door behind him.

I flip through the channels but all of them seem boring.

I sigh again and turn the TV off, heading to my room. Might as well take a nap.

I get into my bed and fall asleep.


My phone ringtone blasts, waking me up. I groan and pick it up.

"Hello?" I answer, still half asleep.

"Hey, I'm with Hoseok. We got too much chicken and wanted to know if you wanted to come eat some," Jungkook says from the other line.

"Um... sure," I say, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "I'll be over there soon,"

"Alright!" Jungkook says. "See you soon!"

I quickly change and put on my shoes, grabbing a jacket.

I leave the houe, jogging over to Hoseok's place thats only a few minutes away.

I walk up to his front door and knock on it. Hoseok opens it and smiles as he realizes that its me.

"Hey!" He says.

"Hi," I say, smiling back. "How much chicken did you get for it to be too much?"

I walk into Hoseok's house and am immediately greeted by the smell of chicken. I walk into his kitchen where I find Jungkook eating a piece. I look around the room and see a bunch of buckets of chicken on the counters.

"How do you accidently order twenty buckets of chicken?" I ask, amazed at how much chicken there is.

"Jungkook ordered it," Hoseok says, picking up a piece of chicken and eating it.

"I thought I ordered twenty pieces of chicken, not twenty buckets," Jungkook says with food in his mouth.

"Wow," I say.

"Yeah, do you want some?" Hoseok offers.

"Why else would I have came over?" I say, walking over to one of the many buckets and picking up a piece. I start eating and we all stand there, eating chicken in silence.

Soon we all get full and Hoseok saves the rest for later.

"I should go home," I say, cleaning up. "But thanks for the food,"

"No problem," Hoseok says.

"Bye," I say and the two of them nod, waving to me.

"Bye," Jungkook says.

I grab my jacket and put my shoes on again, walking outside so I can go back home.

The roads aren't very busy since it's around dinner time so I walk silently towards my apartment.

I'm about to walk past the cafe Yoongi took me to when someone comes out. I'm about to ignore it when I realize it's Jimin.

We both stop in the middle of the sidewalk and stare at eachother.

  ♡ ♡♡ 

A/n- Shortish filler chapter but drama is coming up!!

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