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I watch as Umji walks down the aisle in a pretty white dress.

As she gets closer, I realize how beautiful she looks.

But it still doesn't make me love her.

She gives me a slight smile as she stands next to me.

The wedding officiant starts speaking and I zone out.

He continues to speak for a while and honestly, its quiet boring.

I zone back in and start paying attention after a few minutes when he asks,

"Do you, Park Jimin, take Kim Umji to be your wife?"

I stay silent for a minute.

Do I say yes or no?

Do I really want to do this? No I don't.

But what can my mother do? Kill Taehyung right here right now? I doubt it.

I take a deep breath before looking down at Taehyung.

We lock eye contact for a few moments until he nods.

I turn back and face Umji who is looking at me confused and concerned.

I look at the wedding officiant and say my answer.

"No," I say firmly. "I don't"

The crowd gasps as I turn to face them.

"What!" My mother yells, drawing attention to herself. "You have to!"

"No I don't" I say, looking back at Umji who is calm before looking at Taehyung who looks a little scared.

"You will marry her, you will," She yells. "Or else,"

"Or else what?" I ask, tilting my head at her.

She smirks.

"Or else this," She pulls out a knife from who knows where and grabs Taehyung, holding it up to his throat.

she presses it into the skin slightly, making him snap his eyes shut.

The crowd gasps again but doesn't do anything, too scared that if they interfere, she'll kill them.

"Oh my god," I hear Umji mutter from next to me.

Suddenly, policemen start bursting through, surrounding the area.

"Put the knife down," One of the men say.

"No!" My mother yells back. "I wont, not until they get married,"

"Put the weapon on the floor," The guy says again, pointing a gun at my mother as he slowly walks towards her.

She narrows her eyes at me and starts breathing really heavy.

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