Chapter 10: Rose Petals

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When we got to his house, he got me one of his t-shirts to sleep in but on me it was a night gown. I was exhausted from today. First, Alexis came over, then, Meg died, and just an hour ago, my dad was shot. I don't know what to do or what they were going to do next. Everyone was in danger. 
"Just go to sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch across the hall. If you need anything, just come wake me up."
"Goodnight," I whispered. I was too deep in thought, and tired, to say anything else.
"I love you, Rachael." He turned around and left me alone in his room. I let myself get caught up in his scent and curled up in his blankets. I coudn't help but wonder what was going to happen and I personally just didn't care. Meg was gone. My dad was gone. Pretty soon, I would probably be gone too.
When I woke up the next morning, it all came back to me. At least I could move on from reality just for a little bit while I slept.
"You're awake." I looked over and didn't even notice that Cody was sitting in his bean bag reading. I didn't know he liked to read but I guess whatever floats his boat. I was trying to get up but I was stuck. Something was wrapped around my waist that didn't allow me to move my hips; it felt like a chain.
"Uh Cody, this isn't funny." I was all of a sudden very scared for my life.
"What's not? I'm confused."
"I'm chained to your bed! Help me out!" He rushed over to me and moved the blankets to reveal the chain. "Did you do this to me?"
"Of course not. There is no reason for me to chain you to my bed. That's just ridiculous." He found out that it was just looped around the edge of his bed frame and got me free. When I sat up I noticed around me was a lot of rose petals.   Did he put those there on purpose? It felt like a romance scene you see in movies where guy sets the mood for the girl but not quite because someone chained me to the freaking bed!!
"What does this mean?" I somehow slept through someone tying a chain around me and sprinkling rose petals all over; I suddenly realized something. "Cody, they were here. They were right next to me."
"It's okay because they're gone now and.." He always seems to get cut off by my phone but this time it was just a text. "Do you want me to read it?"
"No, it's okay. I can do it." I turned on my phone and this time it read: Consider that a rose sweetie, sleeping in my mans bed? That is NOT happening but you're one chain closer to death. If you stay with Cody all day, I'd watch out. That would be your last straw. I'll see you later Rachael >:)
"Rach, it's okay. They're just trying to scare you." I didn't even notice I'd started crying.
"Stop saying that! It's not okay! They've been trying to scare me for too long and you know what? It's working. I'm scared. They're dead serious.." I kept sobbing between sentences, "and they mean literal death. I'm going to lose everyone!"
"I will protect you. I won't let anyone hurt you in any way and I decided you're no longer allowed to be by yourself; I am not leaving your side again, understand me?" I just nodded. I couldn't do this anymore and before I knew it, I was out again.
I got woken up by my phone ringing and so did Cody. He didn't leave my side and let me use him as a pillow as I slept. I didn't know what time I woke up this morning but it was five already. I guess this not sleeping thing was really catching up to me.
"Hey Abby, what's up?" She sounded really panicked and I had no idea what was happening.
"I was making myself some cheese and crackers when someone came up behind me. They had a mask on so I couldn't tell who it was but they.." Her voice was quivering and all I could think of was she was next on my stalkers list, "I mean I threatened to call the cops but they took my knife and stabbed me right in my hand and told me to shut up. I just got back from the hospital and I wish I knew who they were, Rachael."
"I'm so sorry, Abby. Why don't we go have a girls night tonight. I'll text Ali and Sarah and tell them to meet at that cafe on Main Street, okay?"
"Sounds perfect, my car is in the shop so could you pick me up?"
"Sure, I will be there in one hour. Bye." I then turned to Cody and before I could say anything he stopped me.
"I'll bring you to your house so you can get your own clothes and drive both of you to the cafe. I will then pick you up when you send me 'purple muffins' got it?" I laughed at him. He was so protective but how in the world did he come up with purple muffins?
"Got it, lets go." He grabbed my hand and before I could change out of his t-shirt took me to his car. The ride there was talking about what I was going to wear. A guy will never understand the struggle of a girls outfit but at least Cody pretends like he does and responds to my outfit options. He basically knows what's in my whole closet.
"I'll wait for you in the kitchen and then we will leave when you're ready." I nodded and smiled; he was so perfect. "Hey, do you have any lemonade left?"
"Bottom shelf." I started up the stairs but as I did I couldn't look at my dads study. It had yellow caution tape covering the closed door. I shook it off and kept going. Now is not the time to start freaking out again, Rachael.
When I got to my room, my door was shut. I don't remember ever closing it but I have been a little crazy lately so I wouldn't be surprised if I just didn't remember. I opened my door ad peered in; I hadn't been in here for what seems like an eternity. The thing was though, today it was different: hundreds and hundreds of roses filled my room but this time they were all dead. Standing in the middle of it all was Abby and she had a smirk everyone on the face of the earth would be scared of.
"Hello Rachael, you didn't listen to me."

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