Chapter 7: Wanted or Unwanted?

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    "Wait what did you say?"
    "We can talk about this later; I have work to get done. It was nice meeting you, Rachael, and I'm very sorry about your friend."
    I didn't even realize where I was going until I pulled into Cody's driveway but Edith Beiring was stuck in my head the whole way. I didn't do anything wrong and Cody said we had to stay away from each other so why would she, he, or fricken alien I don't know, hurt Meg? What am I going to tell Cody? How about so remember that dead old lady's car that snapped your arm, well they just tried to kill my best friend and the doctors at the hospital aren't sure she's going to make it. Yeah, that sounds assuring to say to someone who doesn't want to see you. Maybe I should just go home. Crap, he saw me in his driveway! Too late he's already walking out of his house towards me. Did he get a new haircut? Awe he's so cute even with a plastered arm! Wait why is he not in school?
    "Rachael, what are you doing here?"
    "I need to to talk to you." He just nodded, opened my car door, and followed me into his house. Something was bothering him but I couldn't quite figure out what. Once we were in his room, all he did was stare at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I said with a smirk trying to get him to smile and be the playful guy I know him as. He didn't.
    "What do you need?" I was kind of hurt honestly but I still told him about Meg and the crash. By the time I was finished, he was sitting next to me, rubbing my back, and wiping me tears away. I didn't mean to cry on him again; I couldn't keep it in. He lightly lifted my face to face his and looked me right in the eyes "I won't leave you ever," and then kissed my forehead. For the first time in weeks I actually felt safe and not so alone anymore.
    "I'm scared" is all I could manage to get out before I started sobbing again.
    "I know, I know," he picked me up and wrapped me into a big hug, "but it will be okay. I will protect you."
    "I really need you." I could feel him smile into my hair at that but it was 100% true. I didn't know what I would do if he was still ignoring me. "Now I got my tears and makeup all over two of your shirts." I was giggling at the dark, wet, mascara spot that grew on his light blue shirt.
    "Don't worry about it. I'd rather you came to my shoulder to cry than any other guys." Okay, that made me blush brighter than I ever had. I was just messing with him and he made it all cute. I was face to face with him and I didn't want to leave his arms. "Hey Rach, can I ask you something?"
    "Um sure," I looked like I got hit by a bus. I had dry mascara streaking down my face, my face was red and puffy, and my once perfectly done bun was falling to my shoulders.
    "I know you're going through a hard time right now and I understand if this is too much but I care about you so much. I will protect you and keep you safe from this crazy person and won't leave you through any of it. I am so amazingly in love with you that I can't watch the most beautiful girl in the world walk into another guys arms. I want to be with you Racheal, will you be my girlfriend?"
    "Oh my goodness yes!" My lips were on his before he could change his mind. I knew this was a bad idea but I never thought this would ever happen. Of course I was happy but what would my stalker think? I instantly pulled away at that thought. "Wait, we can't.." His lips interrupted my talking.
    "It's okay, she won't hurt me or you." I pointed to his arm to prove a point, "okay, I don't care. You're way more important to me."
    "Hey Cody?"
    "What's up, beautiful?" He just looked at me and pulled me closer, which really basically meant pulled me onto his lap.
    "I love you too," I can't believe I just said that.
    We just laid there and cuddled in his bed for the next hour, not saying anything, just being content in each other's warmth. Time stopped and everything seemed okay.. for that one hour. We were interrupted by my stupid phone that had to ring at the very wrong time; at least it was my dad.
    "Hello? Yeah, I'm just at Cody's. Okay, love you too, bye." Well that was a disappointment. I turned to Cody and told him the sad news. "I have to go but I'll talk to you later, okay?"
    "I don't want you to leave," he hugged me tighter and whispered into my ear, "I love you. Don't ever forget that, Rachael. Text or call me as soon as you get home, okay?"
    "Okay." I placed a small kiss onto his lips and got up. "I love you, stupid." I gave him a small smirk and turned to leave when he picked me up like a baby and kissed me on the cheek like a little kid. I just laughed; he's so silly but this idiot was mine and I loved the sound of that.
    I smiled the whole way to my car, that did not just happen. I came here thinking he didn't want to see me again and left as his girlfriend; this is incredible! I stopped short when I reached my car; I locked my car doors, didn't I? It didn't matter because somehow someone got into my car and left a little something for me. Laying in my front seat was a red rose with a note attached to it. I nearly fainted when I read it: That's two, I'd be careful if I were you. You don't seem to listen very well.

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