Chapter 2: Study Date

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About two months later I got a text from Cody thinking he was just messing with me again because that's like his favorite thing to do. It said 'You know that science test we got back today well I bombed it. Could you come over and help me out because my dad will kill me if they find out I failed the retake too'
    'Right now?'
    'Yeah, please come over.' Cody and I have hung out quite a few times but never alone. It was always at a party or we were all hanging out.
    'Yeah sure, I'll be over in 10.'
    Once I got to Cody's I realized we were completely alone. No one else was home. It gave me a sense of nerves and excitement. I had butterflies in my stomach because I had a feeling tutoring was not going to be only thing we were going to do. I thought about what to say when I got to his door the whole 10 foot walk to it. Right as I was going to knock, the door opened.
    "Hey Rach." Rach was really getting to be my nickname by anyone I talk to more than once and likes me. For example, Barbie doesn't call me that.
    "Hey." I decided to play it cool as I walked in. He had a cute little home. It was a split level and gave me a homey vibe.
    "Want anything before we start?"
    "I'm good, thank you."
    We went up to his room and it was nothing like I imagined it. I was expecting it to be messy and all his football trophies everywhere but it was surprisingly clean and organized. I was right about football, he had teams everywhere. Most guys rooms I've been in have things everywhere and is very messy. I was impressed. While I was looking around his room he sat down on his bed and grabbed his backpack. That was my cue to follow and sit down. He took out his test and man I have never seen so many red marks on one piece of paper.
    "Yeah um this is why I need your help." I couldn't help but laugh. I had a feeling I'd be here awhile.
    We were hard at it for a good hour and I was surprised how focused and determined he was to get a better grade. We were on the second page of the test. So one page per hour, I still have three more hours! While he would work on the problem, I would watch him. He gets this little dimple above his left eye when he's really thinking and it's super cute.
    "Why are you staring at me?" He brought me back to reality and I didn't realize I was staring. I looked him in the eyes and smiled. I could feel my face get a little red.
    "I'm not." I replied but thinking what the heck Rachael why are you staring at him or why couldn't you be more sneaky about it?!
    "Were to."
    "I was watching the test." You were watching the test what? It doesn't have legs and is going to run away. You're an idiot, Rachael.
    "I have eyes and I'm not that stupid." I was about to answer with something idiotic again because that's what I do clearly. "Is this correct?" He pointed to his answer.
    "Yeah. We're half way done!" We just finished the second page and it was already 8:30. Good thing it's Friday.
    "What, you're already sick of me?" He asked jokingly.
    "Yeah, stupid. When can I go home?" He just laughed which made me laugh.
    "I'm ordering pizza."
    "Because I'm hungry and need a break."
    "Alright whatever." I guess I could eat. I haven't had dinner yet anyways.
    "I'm going to the bathroom, be right back. Don't miss me too much."
    I could tell this was a joke so I said "Don't be gone long I will miss you."
    "I know I'm too great" and he left.
    I got up off the bed and looked at all his photos. Most of them were of football but he had a lot of him and this girl. She looked a few years younger than us but she was pretty. I wonder who she is, she clearly made him happy because in all these pictures he's laughing or smiling. I slowly moved around his room looking at everything on his wall or on a dresser and his desk. I'm not that much of a creeper that looks in drawers or cabinets. I passed all his awards and they were all football. He must be really good. Note to self: go to the first game of the season. I made it past all trophies, which seemed to take up a whole wall, and now am looking at his nightstand. It's the same girl and there's a bracelet hanging on the frame. She must be really special to him if she's everywhere in here. Why does this bother me so much? It shouldn't. I was still holding the frame when I smelt pizza. I looked up to see he was standing in the door way smiling and staring at me.
    "Woah you scared me, how long have you been standing there?"
    "Long enough." What is that supposed to mean? He's walking into the room now. He noticed I was confused and started laughing.
    "Why were your staring at me?" Mocking him.
    "Because you're beautiful." I looked at him and smiled. He was dead serious.
    We ate our pizza and talked about random things. How boring Mr. Mathews is, how he bombed his test, Barbie, pizza, I don't know it was just random things. We laughed and I was having a lot of fun. I thought of the pictures and we trying to build up enough courage to ask him.
    "Can I ask you something?"
    "Yeah, sure."
    "Who is she?" I pointed to the frame on his nightstand. I immediately regretted asking because I saw something in his eyes. He was touched in some way, and I saw hurt in them. "I'm sorry you don't have to answer that."
    "No it's fine. She was my sister and passed away about a year ago. She was driving home from work one night and got hit by a drunk driver. My dad and I were home and got a call from the hospital that something happened to Karly. When we got there it was already too late. She was gone. I lost her forever."
    I was speechless. How could I have been so rude and asked about her. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know."
    "It's fine, I have memories they will last a lifetime." I just nodded. I didn't know what to say because he looked like he was going to cry. All of sudden he smirked with a tear rolling down his face, which he quickly wiped away. "Were you jealous?"
    "What? Pfft no." It was obvious. I got jealous.
    We finished our pizza and just sat there for what seemed like ages until I finally broke the ice. "Should we get started?" It's now almost ten and we have work to do.
    "Let's do this!" He said with enthusiasm like we're watching a football game. I just laughed.
    We worked on it until we were done. I looked at the clock, it was almost midnight. How could I let this get this late, dads going to be so worried. I looked at my phone expecting to be dead but there was one missed call from my dad. I decided to call him but it went straight to voicemail.
    "Hey dad, I'm just finishing up and will be leaving soon. Love you, bye." Crap, he already went to bed.
    "I really should go." I said as I started to stand up. He stood up with me and said "You finally got your wish."
    "Finally, the moment I've been waiting for since I got here." He took a step closer.
    "Thank you by the way, I think I might pass." He was slowly getting close and by the time I could respond he was right in front of me.
    "Anytime, I'll help someone stupid like you any day." He was so close to me I could feel his breath. We just sat there and smiled until he gently lifted my chin towards him and he slowly bent down a little bit until his lips were on mine. My heart was beating outside of my chest. I held his face and wrapped my arms around his neck. He moved his hands so they were holding my hips. I let him be dominant over the kiss and as he pulled away after a few seconds, we didn't move. He looked into my eyes and said "That's because you helped me." He leaned back in and our lips locked again. He pulled me closer so I was right against him. We stayed like that for a long time. He made the kiss a little more passionate for a few seconds and then slowed down again and slowly pulled away. But just our lips so we're still holding each other. He pulled the rest of me into his arms and hugged me.
    He whispered into my ear "And that was because I've wanted to do that ever since I met you."
    I pulled away and just smiled. The instant I pulled away, I wanted to be back in his arms.
    "I really have to go but I'd gladly help you again."
    "Aw dang, ok." I turned to leave but stopped. "Wait!"
    As I turned back around he was right in front of me and lifted me into a huge hug. As instinct, I wrapped my legs around him.
    "This is because I want you to come back."
    "Is there always a reason for stuff like this?" I whispered back.
    Instead of answering he lifted his head and planted a small peck on my lips.
    "I had no reason for that."
    He gently put me down and said "Bye, Rach."
    "Bye, Stupid."
    I thought about the kiss all the way home and then the rest of the night. Did it mean something? My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing. It was another text from the anonymous number but this time it said 'I thought I told you to stay away from Cody but now you kiss him. I would watch your back, I can be dangerous.' Was someone else in his house, did he tell someone? What is going on? I decided to respond. 'Who is this?' I got a response immediately. 'Your worst nightmare. Let's just say don't get in my way or people will get hurt.' I decided to call Cody to see if he told anyone. He's probably still up and as I expected he answered right away.
    'Hey, miss me already?'
    "Yeah right. I was just wondering if anyone else was home when I was over?"
    'No, why do you ask?'
    "Did you tell anyone that we kissed?"
    'No, what's going on Rach?'
    "Never mind"
    'Uh ok.'
    "Bye." And I hung up without him responding.
    I decided to leave a voicemail to Ali, she could help me.
    "Hey Ali, it's Rachael. Sorry it's super late but meet me at Kate's Cafe tomorrow morning at 10. I have something to tell you and we need to talk."
    Right as I was about to put my phone down I got a text: 'I wouldn't meet Ali tomorrow if I were you.' Someone was listening to me when I left that message and that could only mean one thing; someone was in my house.
    'Why?' I responded
    'Let me give you a piece of advice don't try to hide things. I will know everything. And don't tell anyone.'
    I didn't know what to do. Someone was most likely in my house and that creeped me out but if I went to Cody's someone could be there too. I went to all the windows and doors and locked them all. I then locked myself in my room and tried to sleep.

    I woke up feeling super groggy since I slept with one eye open because I was so paranoid someone was going to kill me in my sleep. Should I meet Ali? Wait of course I should, this creep is just trying to scare me. I got dressed and left.
     When I got to the Cafe, Ali was already waiting for me with two grande lattes.
    "What's up, Rach? Did I do something wrong?"
    "No, not at all! I've just been getting some weird texts."
    I showed her all the texts I got and she just stared at them. I didn't know what she thought because her face was completely blank and emotionless.
    Finally she said something. "I think they are just messing with you." She didn't look so sure when she said that but then she said "Details right now." Her face lit up when she said that.
    "About what?"
    "Cody's! You kissed him!"
    "No." She looked confused and didn't believe me. "He kissed me. Three times."
    "OMG!" She was clearly more interested in the study situation than in the I might die situation. Oh heck, she might die too. "Anyway, you are going to tell me every detail later. I say don't let this bother you because they are just trying to make you afraid."
    "Yeah I guess I'll just try to ignore it." Right then my phone started ringing.
    'Is this Rachael Duhn.' Said the lady on the other line.
    "This is her."
    'This is Marly. I'm calling from the Central Hospital to tell you your father has fallen off the deck and was rushed to the ER just an hour ago.' I looked at the time. I have already been here for over an hour?!
    "Is he ok!?"
    'He will be fine but he did break his neck and will have to stay with us for 24 hours to make sure he is stable enough to come home. Do you think you could come?'
    "Yeah I'll be there as soon as possible."
    'Ok, bye now.'
    I just stared at the table for a minute. How did he fall? We have rails around it and he's always super careful.
    "Who was that?" I realized I was still with Ali.
    "The hospital. My dad fell off our deck and is there. I have to go. Thank you."
    "Ok let me know how he is and if you guys need any help."
    "I will, thank you." I have known her for what 2-3 months and she's like a best friend.
    I left and as I got into my car my phone beeped.
    'I told you to not tell anyone.' So the little bitch did this.

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