Chapter 2 Eponine

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Genevieve sat in the seat behind me with a tennis ball in her hands. Her little fingers were running over the green fuzzy surface as Bubbles was squished in the backseat of the car with her. His furry head was resting on Genevieve's lap. His ears were pointed up in the air as his eyes followed the ball in her small hands, yet he was well trained so not to try to steal the ball from her. Despite the sharp teeth he was always gentle with her. The two were very quiet in the car as I glanced into rearview mirror at them.

"So I'm thinking of maybe having a little camp out in the family room till we have the place set up. Wouldn't that be cool?" I spoke up as I peeked into the rearview mirror again, Genevieve just shrugged her shoulders. Her gaze was cast down.

I chewed on my bottom lip. The past couple of months had been hard, and that was the understatement of the year. Then moving in the middle of March was probably no help to the changes that were happening.

"I don't want to go to a new school," Genevieve grumbled. Her voice was more upset than a pout.

"I know, Genevieve. I really tried looking for a new place in the same school district, but they didn't have anything in our price range. We're just one town over so the drive will be quick to see your friends," I answered kindly, my own heart heavy with emotions.

"It's not the same, right Bubbles?" Genevieve responded as she scratched behind Bubbles' ear. Her little hand was disappearing in his multicolor fur, finally giving the dog his ball, causing loud thumps of his tail in a crowded area.

"I know. I'm taking off school this semester too, remember? Then I'm going to change schools in the fall to take care of you. I've got a job set up so that I can pick you up after school. That way we can get your homework done while cooking dinner. Plus do you know how many places don't accept German shepherds in rentals?" Bubbles raised his head almost to object to that statement.

"Bubbles is so nice, but he takes up too much of my bed," Genevieve retorted. She was ten and didn't fully understand that despite his sweet disposition, some people were afraid of that breed.

When we tell people that our German shepherd's name is Bubbles, the stares we get don't help. The breed did not have the best reputation and to have a sweet childish name threw people off.

"Don't blame me if he thinks you're his puppy friend," I laughed as the radio station went to a commercial.

"He doesn't like your stinky perfume," Genevieve shot back with a smile almost touching her face.

"Hey, we both know my perfume is the essence of awesomeness." I tried pulling off a straight face as I reached back shaking her knee, she giggled.

"Hey, don't do that!"

"Why, because you laughed?" I inquired, grinning, glancing back in the rearview mirror.


I pulled into the apartment complex and into the parking spot with our apartment number. The moving truck pulled up behind us and two men went in the back to help bring the stuff that we were able to keep. Moving from our parents' big home to the apartment was a challenge of what we could bring with us and what had to be sold. That garage sale had been heart wrenching. Getting out of the car, I led the way quickly to show them where to put the furniture. I nearly held my breath, not believing this was truly happening. Leaving the door open, I went back down to see Genevieve getting out of the car with Bubbles shortly behind her, ball still in his mouth. The two were just sitting in the parking lot watching the big men carry our things into the new place. My heart kept pulsing fast, anxious as each piece was brought into the unknown area. I had to be strong for my sister. No matter what I was feeling, I kept a stone face.

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