Chapter 3 Riley

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Turning the music high as I drove off towards my sister's home, I could still feel my muscles tensing. I preferred to run my errands late at night, less people. Less odds of being seen or stared at like the newest act to the freak show. Even when I was in the hospital after the accident with other burn victims, I didn't feel right there. Though I was alone in the car, I kept my hood raised on my head and the sleeves pulled down to cover my hands. Skin couldn't be seen, just the way it should be.

Turning off the engine after I pulled into the driveway, I sat there listening to the music be cut off as the engine slowed down until it stopped completely. I had to get out of the car and into the house. Sighing, I tugged on the hood, even though it was already up and covering my face. Slamming the door, I strolled quickly to the front door, ringing the doorbell and waiting on the front porch. Even though I was at family's house, I couldn't bring myself to just walk in. My once stand-upright posture was now slightly hunched over with my head hidden. Through the door I could hear the dog barking and shuffling of feet before my sister, Charlotte, opened the door with a wide smile. She stood aside as she let me in.

"I was starting to wonder when you'd show up," my sister greeted, her voice was so cheery, giving me a hug before moving aside for me.

"Well I was waiting for it to get dark," I answered as her collie ran over to me, standing on its hind legs to put the front ones on my upper body.

My sister pulled the dog off me.

"Dumb dog, you're going to wake up the kids." Charlotte yanked on the dog's collar as she started in the direction of the kitchen. "Riley, I love you and the kids miss you. You're going to have to eventually come out in the daylight. You can't live like a nocturnal animal forever."

I huffed, rolling my eyes at my sister's back.

"Don't you dare roll your eyes at me!" Charlotte snapped, turning into the kitchen, moving cups and the kettle around.

"Don't use your mommy ninja skills on me." I sighed, not in the mood to deal with my sister mothering me, again.

"I'm your older sister and a mother of two. It's habit." Charlotte turned to face me, head titled slightly as her long, loosely curled, brown hair framed her pale face. "I worry about you."

Her blue green eyes softened to a shade similar to my own. Heavy feet came down the steps, and in a couple of seconds her husband, Paul, strolled into the room. Paul nodded in my direction; as he looked over at his wife, she smiled at him.

"I'm finishing up the last bits of my paperwork, but the little monkeys don't want to go to bed," he stated, his gaze locked on my sister's, as a crash upstairs occurred on cue.

"I read you guys your bedtime story, go to bed!" my sister shouted as she put water into the kettle.

"But Mom," a small voice whined. I smirked, ready for what my sister was about to bestow.

"But nothing, you two bet—-"

I interrupted, unable to control myself. "Get back into bed before the monster tries to bite your ankles!"

Yelps and screams poured from the upstairs as thunderous steps came down the stairs. Charlotte glared as she threw the empty box of tea at me. I chuckled. The kids nearly slid into the kitchen with the younger one almost falling from the footie pajamas against the tile.

"Uncle Riley," my niece, Madison, glowed as she ran to me with open arms.

Madison had only recently been friendly with me. When I came home she was in tears, refusing to come near me or even lay eyes on me. Charlotte talked to her about what I did overseas and why I was covered with burn marks. Madison slowly came around, calling me a hero, despite the fact that I didn't feel like one. Parts of my skin were grafted while others were just distorted. She was seven, but my nephew, Elliot, was four, and was still afraid of me. I couldn't blame him. I had the appearance of a malevolent Greek creature. Madison jumped into my lap, giving me a hug, while Elliot tiptoed over to my sister, hiding his face in his teddy bear.

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