Chapter 7

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4 am. It was the second best time of day. You and Mark shared his mug of coffee to get some energy, and Mark loved spending time with you. His face would sometimes go red, but you couldn't see because it was dark.

And 4:30 am. This was the best time of day. You and Mark were finishing another cup of coffee. You loved spending time with Mark. He'd make you go red, but it was hard to see without any lights on.

"Hey, (f/n), you want to see something amazing?" Mark asked you.

"Sure." You took the last sip of Mark's coffee and followed him upstairs.

He led you into his room and he walked over to the window. He opened it and removed the screen. Mark climbed onto the shingles outside of his window and reached upwards to grab the roof.

"Mark, what are you doing?" You asked.

"You'll see when you get up here." Mark said as he climbed onto the roof.

"I am not going up there. I haven't remembered anything for four weeks and I might be the kind of person with shitty balance and coordination." You said, sticking your head out the window and looking at Mark who hung his head over the edge.

"I'll help you up here obviously." Mark said.

"Fine, but if I fall to my death, I'll haunt your ass." You replied, slipping your bare feet onto the rough shingles.

Mark reached his hand down to you, and you grabbed it. He grabbed your other hand and pulled you up onto the roof.

"Come over here." Mark walked over to the other side of the roof, motioning for you to follow.

He sat down on the edge, letting his feet hang over the edge. You sat down next to him and did the same. "Why exactly am I up here?" You asked.

"Look right over there. Right in front of you." Mark said.

You'd been looking at Mark the whole time, noticing he had been shirtless again. The first time you saw him without a shirt was last week and it was an accident. This time, he just straight up didn't care. Maybe he liked you? No, that couldn't be it.

You looked in front of the two of you, and saw the sunrise in front of you. It shone on both of you as it rose slowly. You stared at the reds, oranges and yellows in the sky.


"Isn't it pretty?" Mark asked.

"Its beautiful." You said mezmorized.

"So are you." Mark said to himself.

You looked at him, shocked but happy. He looked right back at you, the sunrise reflecting in your eyes, making Mark think you were the prettiest girl he had ever met.

"You're eyes look so gorgeous right now." Mark said.

"You really think so?" You asked.

"I know so." Mark replied.

"Mark.... I'm not sure how to react to this. I mean, I..... I don't know...." You stuttered.

"Maybe.... I can react for you...?" Mark suggested.

You looked back into Mark's eyes. He looked right back into yours. Then he kissed you.

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