Chapter 4 Vision

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I sat in the back seat of my parents car silently with my twin sister Amanda, gazing out of the window silently watching everything fly by as we drove on down the street. 

"You OK Ali?" Amanda asked calling me by my childhood nickname, as I looked over to her seeing the concerned look on her face.

"yeah... Just another nightmare about some apocalypse that could happen.. It has been keeping me up at night... " I said in a low tone rubbing my head.

"should we take you to Rona?" Amanda asked in a low tone so our parents didn't hear the mention of that name.

"No Amanda I'm fine, it's nothing to worry about I had dreams like this before and we survived it without a hitch" I said in a low tone watching the scenery of the Californian coast flyby slightly captivated by the breathtaking view.

"As long as you are sure about that sis.." she said in a tone that was both hopeful and doubtful at the same time.  She was worried about me since I held such a massive burden on me. I am a Vision someone who can see into different dimensions and at the same time tell of prophecies. We are one of the beings that many races want to eradicate from existence.

"I know that you are worried about me Amanda, but trust me when I say this. There is nothing you need to worry about right now." I said earning a look that said I will say I told you so if this blows up in your face again. I let out a tired sigh looking at her. "Why do you always bring up Rona anyway when there is something wrong?" 

"Because Rona knows what to do in any situation and..." She said hesitating with what she was about to say.

"And you have a crush on him" I said earning a flustered look from her.

"I do not!"

"Do to"

"Do not!" She said again as I let out a small laugh from teasing her. I looked out the window as we pulled into the school getting out of the car. I looked at the school still not used to being in a different state or school.

"Hey there Alison" A Thick accented voice said from behind me causing me to spin around to see the all to familiar face of Zelan. My Demon boyfriend. And yes I do mean actual Demon.  Matter of fact he is the son of one of the nine wars of hell. These demons were what Dante based his levels of hell off of. They even scared Lucifer who was their leader before he forced them into retirement and into their own realms.

"Hey Zelan nice to see you aren't late this time." I said a smile playing on my lips at the sight of him. He shook his head poking my nose as he walked by me.

"Try going to a human school on time when you are dealing with other demons and a father who likes to be just a pure prick and angels who like to fuck over a transportation to the middle of nowhere in Egypt. " He said as I followed him entertwining my hand with his. "You like torturing me sometimes don't you woman?"

I smiled evilly at him before responding. "Yes I do my demonic love"

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