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first things first:


it's not typically how everyone starts in wattpad but it's how i (and everyone) should have started. with wattpad we begin with publishing our stories / reading one. no, that's not technically how it works. no matter how many people / wattpaders say that 'quality not quantity' or 'number doesn't matter' is just crap. and by beginning this formula of becoming known is also by starting with a bunch of friends.

laugh at me, but it's the truth.

through these people whom you're going to be real honest with, they can introduce you to much more perspective and give a varied meaning into coming back to wattpad. if we made friends - hell, you can make your own book already because you're positive they're going to read your work. 

but somehow, you'll realize that yes, friends are good in wattpad. but once you become the wattpader whom everyone knows as a friendly bastard that gives away votes / comments like confetti - then you'll know you're into some serious trouble.


it's called pick-and-dump. the process of this manner:

your pick-and-dumper: hi! you sound really cool, let's be friends :)

you: aw thank u! i'm really not but you sound cool too - what's up?

your pick-and-dumper: ah, nothing much just sweating my ass off the next chapter of my book called 'this that' it's a 1D fanfic i just love them so much :")

you: eurgh that sounds like a lot of work, i do like 1D i'll go check out your work.

[ through the process both of you follow each other plus you go check out your pick-and-dumper's story and leave tons of comments and vote. ]

you: your book was great! i love it.

you: hello?

you: you might be asleep goodnight!

[ tmrw — ]

you: goodmorning! (for me xD)

you: reply ASAP ok? i have to talk to you about this that hahahahaha

apparently a week later you find out you've been used.

how to avoid this? simple: don't vote :) ok ok ok, that came off rude but MAKE SURE WHAT YOUR VOTING FOR IS WORTH IT not because you read it. if the author lacked lots off grammars (like, my story picture perfect) then i don't think you're supposed to like it one bit! but if the plot was really portrayed well and your only problem was the grammar then eff it, vote away!


[01.] how do i know if the person is honest to me with being friends? this is a really difficult question but as far as i'm concerned, i had this one friend who promptly followed me then started throwing me votes / comments on my story — i was really grateful so i started a chat. we became really close and i followed her IMMEDIATELY because as i quote 'you're sOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL AND FUNNY OMGG' but 2 months later, the outcome: unfollow, new set of friends and that's when i realized that i was used. technically to know, i guess that you have to talk to them and ask them what time is it in their place so you know what time you two could talk and so forth.

[02.] how do i get real friends? you see that group of people with cool humour and you notice they talk a lot and have been friends for 1+ years? yeah, well they're real friends. go get them, tiger.

[03.] do you know about those people who 'follow for a follow', 'vote for a vote', and et cetera? yes, i do. i once asked a person to read my book because i was scared that it wasn't a good one. fortunately, i only did so because on their profile, they have said that they were taking reading requests - the other follow for a follow, vote for vote etc is just plain pile of poop.

you've got q's? hit me up in the comments!


[ this quotes are given credit to the original friends of mine ]:

miks, u should know that  "id def fuck u" means "ily" "send me your nudes" means "i'm creating extreme orgasm from extreme fangirlin" ";)" means "im flirtin w u bitch get over  here u hot senseless fucker"

— AthenaEverett, athy

like, dude, if u want real friends then srsly get over here and talk, no biggie - but then if u leave then fu u're not my friend no longer

— tayloreene, ingrid

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