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Errapel sat down on my bed and asked in a husky voice 'Are you going to sit?' At his words, I smiled and slowly leaned him back.

Walking forward, i straddled Errapel's chest and smiled. 'i think i'm going to try to tease him now.' 

Slowly, ever so slowly, I leaned forward and kissed him gently. No tongue, just him and me being there and enjoying each others company. My lips parted and I slid my tongue in his mouth. 

Errapel twisted his tongue around mine and put a hand on the small of my back. I gasped when I felt his cold touch and he used that moment to flip me over and sit on my stomach. 

I froze for a few moments, long enough to make Errapel pause and ask 'What's wrong?' At this, I frowned and said 'I still don't know why you were here. I don't know how you got here. Also, I'm not quite ready to do it with anyone yet.'

He sighed and rolled off of me. Looking over, I saw that he was smiling gently at me. 'Of course your not ready yet Eiddil. Did you think this was real?' He smiled again.

'Time to wake up!'

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