Chapter 20~ Daniel's

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Back at the town house, I walk into the study sit down, and then slam my fist on the desk quickly rising. The nerve of the man. The least that he could do is give me respect in the face to face interactions since I'm not an idiot and I'm very well aware of the behind the back political agenda's. The ones that continue to humilate me in the city that brought me into this country, the ones that continue to make me the laughing stock at the parties and events that I attend in this nick of the woods. Standing over the fireplace, I look into the flames thinking about whether or not I should write this Susan a letter back. Should my door always be open? Is this feeling of protection for the boy and Annabelle always going to be there? Surely this is ludricous and all in my head. There is no such thing as love at first sight.

The creak of the study door alerts me to an intruder. I open the chest that contains my pistol, and instantly point it in the direction of the noise giving them a warning shot. It was Annabelle's father. Does this man have a death wish? I might not enjoy his company, but I certainly didn't want to kill him. On further inspection he was unarmed in which case I was honor bound to not actually shoot him. However, it didn't make me any less trigger happy. This man made fun of the words pride, heritage, and he didn't even care about the happiness of his daughter. I'm pretty sure that I made it clear to him we had nothing in common so what on earth was he doing in my house.

"Get out, I won't ask again." The man takes a seat in the chair that is directly in front of my desk. What a bold move! The nerve. "You know most men when faced with a pistol have the smarts to listen." I say remaining calm and collected even though I was dying to let this man have it. It were people like him that made mixed families feel shame, and shame was an unwanted factor in their lives.

"You are one of the few men left in the world who refuse to shoot an unarmed man. Put the gun away, let's talk about my daughter. I want nothing in return." Didn't this man just say he was dead to her again? Ugh, can he make up his mind?

"What do you want in return for this information you are so kindly giving to me?" I ask putting the pistol back in the chest. I'll have to find a new hiding spot within this study for it. People like him never gave information for free though.

"Upon my death you will recieve everything, so you better marry her and fix this little social scandal." The father says dropping a journal on my desk.

"What are we doing? Keeping diaries now. I'll remember to write to you. However on the other note, what if I don't marry your daughter?" I ask hoping that he would say the right thing. That he would be among the group of progressive men and give his earnings, his business, his properties, his entire estate really to his daughter instead of I.

"She won't recieve a penny, but you will. The papers are being drawn up now." With that he left. What a vile man. It would be alright though, if I never married Annabelle than I could just hand everything over to her, right? No, it wouldn't be that simple. As I wasn't her father I would have to find a solicitor willing to give a woman shares. No one was willing to do that. What a reason to never be loved.

I instantly pulled out a paper and pen from my desk:

Dear Susan,

I do not know why in which you did not truly tell Annabelle of my proposal however I will respect your wishes. I hope with all of my heart, and being that you know what you are doing for her and that boy though. They both seem to be occupying a number of my thoughts, and have a special place in my heart. So whenever you feel the time is right. Please hand her the letter that I have handed to you that is addressed to her. It's a revised proposal one that I hope she finds to her liking and to yours as well.

The door is always open. If you ever need anything, even if it's money please send a letter. I know that asking for help is a source of great pride for any man, woman, or child but do not cripple yourselves with pain when I'm willing to help. I have been where you are and I do not wish to see others suffer the same catatrophic fate as a dear member of the family once did becuase of my father's pride.

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