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Hbomb94 joined teamspeak
"HELLLLLOOO HBOMB94" Graser yelled into his microphone deafening Liam when he joined teamspeak.
"Ah, Graser, I don't think the people in Italy could hear you, can you speak a little louder please?" H said sarcastically.
"Sure thing" Replied Graser followed by a few moments of silence.
"HELLO HBOMB94, HOW ARE YOU THIS FINE MORNING?" Graser screeched, with full volume on his mic.
"I hate you grase, I really do" H sighed.
"Awww I know you don't H"
"Whatever" H sassily replied.
Kiingtong joined teamspeak
"WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE" Graser yelled into his mic.
"Woah grase, calm down, it's just me, nothing special" Will told Graser
"Will stop putting yourself down, there's a million things to be exited about when you show up" H always knew Will was insecure, and just is always kinda sad, or thinks he's not important, so whenever he can Liam tries to make him see that he is something important, he wants to make Will see himself like how H does, but he's sure he won't want to make Will want to kiss himself, or cuddle all night long with himself, or to go on long walks with himself, or make a fancy breakfast in bed with himself, or watch scary movies while being curled up with himse-
"H!!!!" Graser yelled again.
"Oh what? Sorry I guessed I just spaced out" H apologized.
"It's fine" Will said.
"Who were you thinking about?" Slyly said Graser, you could tell he had a smirk on his face by the way he said it.
"Oh umm no one" H quickly denied.
"Ooooo does Hchie over here have a cruushhh??" Graser implied.
"Oh what? Me? No" H denied again.
"Come on H, it's okay to talk about people you likkkeee" Graser cooed.
"I'm not talking about it" H said flatly.
"SO THERE IS SOMEBODY" Graser yelled with excitement. "Kiingtong come on join in" Graser tried getting Will to join in on the investigation.
"Can we just record already?" Will said annoyed, but with a hint of sadness under all of it.
"Geez fine, buzzkill, I was just on a breaking point" Graser whined.
Will then heard his phone buzz. When he looked down he saw a message from Liam

H💕: Thanks

He looked even more sad, H for sure was thinking about someone, who wasn't him of course. His head started to spin, he had some hope when H broke up with his ex girlfriend Corinne, but he's a hot guy with a great personality, how long would he stay single? Will had seen him blow off girls trying to hook up with him or trying to get his number, but what if he found someone? What if he found the one? Will couldn't take this much longer, he needed something to take his mind off this, video game alone time? A movie? New friends? None of the above? Who knows, but right now he needs to focus on making it threw this video.

Me: Yep

After recording Will was the first to leave, trying to get away from H, before he had a break down.
Kiingtong has left teamspeak

Hbomb94 p.o.v.
"Okay good vid grase, but I need to go work on some mining so if you don't mind imma go"
"Wait H before you go, did Will seem just really weird during the video?" Graser asked.
I thought about the video and how Will acted, he was really quiet, and never really talked to me, his voice was really shaky too, with some cracks in every few sentences.
"I mean yeah, he was really quiet, but you know Will, he just has some off days"
"But why did he get mad at me for talking about you liking someone?" Graser asked, but obviously implying he already knows the answer.
"Listen I don't know, just let him be, don't do the thing where you go and pester them okay? It's really annoying"
"Fine, if you says so"
Graser10 had left teamspeak
Graser left, now I'm all alone. Isn't this what I wanted? I mean I enjoyed talking with Will, but again, he was in that weird mood, so maybe being alone is good right now. But what was Graser implying? That Will was jealous? That he actually likes me? No, he can't, he's straight for all I know, and he probably wouldn't even like me if he was gay or bi.
Now that I think about it I should go talk to Will and make sure he's alright, he did seem kinda upset, and he left right when we were done with the outro, barley even saying bye, I just want to know if he's okay.

Me: Hey Will, you alright??

I put my phone down, only to immediately feel it buzz anyways

Kiingtong💖: What? Yeah? Why? Did it seem like I wasn't?? because I totally was, I swear
Me: No you're not, you only type fast when you're nervous and you're only nervous when you're lying, what's up?
Kiingtong💖: Damn, and nothing, I promise, I'm fine
Me: Come one Will just tell me, we're best buds, you can tell me
Kiingtong💖: No I can't, now just leave it

Once I read that my heart instantly began to have a burning feeling, why can't he tell me? Does he not trust me? Does he just not want to? I hate that I don't know.

Me: Fine
Kiingtong💖: I'm sorry H

I couldn't talk to him any longer without wanting to cry, so I just left him on read, all I wanted to do was sink into a black hole and never come out, but sleeping is the next best thing so I just went to bed, not wanting to feel the burning sensation in my heart anymore. Of course link made it better when he snuggled up to me, but it was still there, until I finally closed my eyes and drifted away.

Enjoy my dudes✌️1000 words in case anyone wandering

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