Will's Dream

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Will's p.o.v.
Running, crying, existence, dehydration, poison, demons. Words after another, all that frighten me, all that make me want to stay awake all night and never sleep again, but I can't get up, my body won't let me, it makes me stay in my head. More words of fear travel through my head, flood, burning, lonely, decompose, meaningless. They all circle my brain, making me run in terror,but I'm stuck in here, in my rotten mind, I finally find a doorway out, I fall, forever, but I don't even try to help save my life, I don't want to, I'm choosing to die, I'm choosing to fail, it's my choice, finally I shoot up and see what's around me, the tv was still on, it was mid day, and I was cuddled next to H, I don't know how I ended up here, but I have to go somewhere else, I can feel the tears threaten my eyes, burning like daggers and I don't need him to hear me cry, wake up, and comfort me, no matter how much I want him to, he can't see me like this, I start to just go down the hall, I don't want to go to his bedroom because I feel like that's weird and I don't want to go to the bathroom because it'll echo the noise, so I just slide down the wall of the hallway and let out my silent tears, trying to make the least amount of noise as possible. God I hate nightmares.

Liam's p.o.v.
I was having actually a really good dream, it was about me and Will and finally being able to tell everyone we're together, it was good, one of my favorites so far, but it was interrupted when I felt Will move. Shoot I thought, he probably thinks it's weird that we were cuddling, why did you have to rush him Liam, he probably doesn't even like you. Seconds later I heard fabric rub against a wall, it wasn't far from where I was currently laying down, at first I thought he just went there to sleep so we weren't cuddling anymore, then I heard deep breaths and quite sobs, then I finally realized he was crying, was he crying because of me? Something I did? The scary movie? I didn't want him to be alone and cry in the middle of the day, trying to keep quite for me, I wanted to help him, I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, he wasn't in the living room, but it was obvious that the sound was coming from the hallway, I quietly got up, and tip toed my way to him peeking around the corner, revealing a crying kiingtong, his eyes drained and nose runny, his hands were covering most of his face so I couldn't make out any other details, I walked closer to him, he shot up his head when I got closer, now realizing he woke me up
"H I'm sor-" he tried to say before I sat down next to him and cut him off.
"Will it's absolutely fine, come here" I said and motioned him for a hug.
A little eerie at first, he scooted next to me, I instantly embraced him, letting his head fall on my shoulder.
He began to cry again, but this time a little louder, he was limp against my body, me hugging him as his only support. We sat like this for 10 minutes until he quieted down more, I finally asked what was wrong.
"Just a nightmare, silly I know, but they just really get to me"
"I'm sorry Will, I didn't know that you couldn't watch scary movies" I apologized.
"It wasn't from the movie, I just regularly have nightmares I guess"
"Is that why you always stay up late?"
"Yeah, and other reasons, but you could say that's one of them"
All I could say was oh, I didn't want to ask him the other reasons yet, he already felt vulnerable enough telling me this stuff, I don't want to take advantage of him. We sat like this a little bit more, he stopped crying, but he stilled rested his head on me, I had a broken boy on me, but he was able to be fixed.
We finally agreed to get up, now realizing it was dinner time, i started to make dinner, nothing special, just sandwiches, I was still kinda tired so sleeping tonight won't be a problem, but I know Will is going to be up for a while, it's not his fault though, all I can do is worry

=Timeskip to later that evening=
Liam's p.o.v.
I was in bed, link was at my feet, I was playing music quietly on my phone while I looked through Instagram, just the usually things you do before you go to bed. I heard my phone buzz, seeing a familiar name pop onto my screen.

Graser🤖: How's it going?
Me: If you mean with Will good
Graser🤖: Anything juicy??
Me: We watched a scary movie then he fell asleep and so did I and we cuddled for a few hours, then he got up because of a nightmare and started crying so he cried on my shoulder for a few minutes, I feel bad for him, but it was amazing, we bonded, and he was hella adorable too
Graser🤖: Woah, not what I expected on the first night, but good progress H, you guys are already sleeping together!
Me: Shut up, this boy is broken and I want to fix him.
Graser🤖: Go get em tiger!!!
Me: Yeah yeah, goodnight graser

Seeing that it was almost 11 I decided to get off my phone and try to sleep, I don't know what the next day has in stored for us, but I want to be prepared for it.

Heyyy my dudes, another update for yalllll, I don't quite know what I want to do with this story yet, like there's many different outcomes I want to chose from, and I already have a plan for book two if I make it that far, but for now Idk, so if it's messy sorryyy. Until next time✌️ 1043 for anyone wondering

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