1: Days?

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You're on your period, and Chibs makes you feel better.

There was a knock on the door of the office, it wouldn't stop after five minutes.

"Come in," You sighed, sitting up from your napping position you were in.

"You okay, Y/N?" The prospect poked his head through the doorway. You looked from the stack of paperwork you were doing back to him, without your head moving, making the prospect tense up more. Out of all the sons, prospects are always scared of the queen bee of Sons of Anarchy.

"Fine, why?" You frowned.

"Your door has been closed all day, and uh— you were just sleeping." He shifted awkwardly.

"Don't worry about me baby, I'm okay. Trust me." You assured him as he nodded and left. You winced as another cramp came around, as you were walking to shut the door.

"Holy shit," You gasped, gripping on the side of the doorway for balance. You chuckled after, realizing mother nature was really kicking your ass.

You slammed the door shut before sitting back at your desk. You decided to finish all the paperwork, then try and go home. Unless cars kept being brought in..

People were in and out for the rest of the day, grabbing their car keys and leaving. The whole day, you had little reminders that your period was still there. It has been the worst you've ever had.

You grabbed your purse, and got all your stuff together after the last person grabbed their keys. You sighed in relief as you crossed your arms and leaned against the doorway, watching all the guys clean up and go to the clubhouse. You walked down the steps to meet Chibs.

"Hey, lass." He grinned holding his arms out.

"Hey baby—" You were grinning as well, until another gasp escaped your mouth as you felt a deadly cramp. You grabbed onto Chibs for support.

"Are you okay?" He frowned and looked you all over frantically.

"Cramps kickin' my ass, that's all." You sighed as you smiled and shook your head.

"You need anything?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around you.

"Nah, just gotta take it." You placed your hand on his back as you both walked towards his motorcycle. "I wouldn't mind getting some food though?"

"Of course love," He pecked your lips before you both got on, and drove off.


Later that night, the cramps came back in the middle of your slumber. You winced as you tried not to make any noise, or make any movements.

"Ah," You inhaled sharply, accidentally waking Chibs up.

"What's wrong, baby." He said groggily, reaching over to turn on the lamp.

"These cramps are really kicking my ass. Sorry
for waking you up." You sighed.

"I'll be right back," He yawned as he got out of bed and dug around in your bathroom closet. He grabbed a heating pad before shutting the door. "Here, love."

"I didn't know we had this," You grinned in relief as he handed you the heating pad. He crawled over you, laying you down before kissing you. You cupped his face and kissed him back, but pulled away.

"You know damn well I can't." You chuckled as he groaned and flipped over to his side.

"This is as painful as it is for me as it is for you." He whined as you plugged in the heating pad, resting it on your lower stomach.

"Only a couple more days, baby," You smirked as you turned the lamp off.

"Days?" He sat up quickly making you laugh.

"Tomorrow's my last day, you can do it." You chuckled as you leaned over and pecked his lips.

"Goodnight, my love." He sighed as he cuddled into you since you had to lay on your back.

"Goodnight," You grinned to yourself at how much better you felt with the heating pad, and Chibs by your side.

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