3: You Can Thank The Queen

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Being Chibs' old lady, making you queen.

you get treated like the queen.

"If any of you have any other questions, ask my queen." He said proudly before stepping down. The crow-eaters eyes' landed on you. You could feel their envy, yet they still served you as the queen. Asking to refill your coffee, asking how you are.

To them you have earned the title; it's only fair for them to do their job.

they can't live without their queen.

"You okay, hun?" You asked as you walked towards the prospect.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said as he wiped his eyes quickly. You sat down next to him, and gave him a 'really?' look.

"What's goin' on." You asked as you patted his back.

"I'm in some deep shit, Y/N. I don't know how to get out. This club gives me protection but then puts me in more danger. I want to stay more than anything but, what do I do?" Prospect said calmly, before looking at you with a tear streaming down his cheek. You wrapped your arms around him neck, bringing him into an embrace.

"You joined this club for a reason, baby. Not only that, but I know you know you can't just leave. Whatever problem you're facing, deal with it, and get it done. This club is here for you, remember that." You released the hug as he nodded to himself.

"I'll think on it. Thanks Y/N. You know, the club really appreciates you, values you almost. I hope you know that." He grinned before walking away.

"I know." You smirked to yourself.

little do they know, the queen can be smarter than them at times.

You knew for a while that the boys were looking for someone who recently became an enemy. When you saw the enemy at the grocery store, you took it as an opportunity.

You immediately dialed Chib's number.

"That guy you have bad business about? Come to the super market quick, I can only stall him long enough." You said quickly before hanging up the phone.

"Sir?" You asked him and he immediately turned around. "Can I ask you a quick question?"

"...Make it quick." The guy looked around frantically.

"I'm trying to look for a part for my car, can you help me?" You pleaded.

"Sure." He asked as he followed you to the corner of the store.

"You aren't from here?" You chuckled as you kept walking into the food aisles.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" He frowned. He was following you into the food aisles without any suspicions. The dumbass didn't know where anything was.

"Everyone knows everyone, here in Charming." You lied, even though it was partly true. "Almost there, hun." You said as you frantically looked around for a sign. You knew the guys would be in a corner, so you kept going to the one you were closest to, and the one the boys would be at.

"Mam, do you even know where we—"

"Yeah, I do, going back and forth made me dizzy... But you didn't seem to notice." You smirked as the boys cornered him. "Nice to meet you!"

what's yours is yours and you make that obvious. no one touches what belongs to the queen.

One of the crow-eaters was getting too friendly with Chibs, and she knew it. Both would give you looks. Chibs giving you a scared look, and the crow-eater giving you a smirk. They were sitting at the bar, perfect access to go sit on Chibs' lap.

"Hey baby," You said seductively, kissing Chibs in front of her.

"Do you mind?" The crow-water coughed. You pulled away, and paused giving her a glare.

"Sorry, I forgot, where's your tattoo, again?" You smirked as you tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. You could practically hear Chibs gulp behind you.

"I don't have one," She said bluntly, glaring at you. This gave you perfect access to grab her hair and slam her face into the bar.

"Didn't think so." You smiled evilly as you and Chibs left the clubhouse.

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