#27: jax teller

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"Yep. It's definitely broken."


"Come on, I'm gonna be late for my interview. I have a license, and y'all don't have to do anything until late tonight, right?" You begged Jax.

"Nope. You're not driving my baby." He smirked.

  "Please please please?" You frowned. Jax thought to himself some more. "I got the damn license just so I can do this!"

"Fine. Be back quick." Jax sighed as he handed you a key to unlock the ignition.

"Thank you!" You cooed, as you took off.

You made it in time for your interview. Sadly, you wouldn't know if you got the job by a call from them. You weren't exactly patient.

Especially when another motorcycle club was unexpectedly following you. You widened your eyes as you attempted to lose them. You were successful when you double checked, looking behind you for one second.

That one second made a huge difference, as you ran into another guy on a motorcycle. Soon enough the motorcycle was swept from underneath you, throwing you off.

You winced as you landed on the ground and slid. You hissed, attempting to get up. You saw the man walk towards you, your vision was blurry so you couldn't see the man's face, so you immediately kicked him in the knee, causing him to yell in pain, and slowly fall to the ground. You widened your eyes as the yell sounded familiar. After he kneeled down all the way, you whined in annoyance to see the kutte.

You saw his wrists and ripped your helmet off, hoping the dizziness would have faded by now.

"Tig?" You frowned.

"Y/N? The hell is wrong with you?" He winced, slowly standing back up.

"Some guys were following me, I—"

"Since when did you have a motorcycle?" Tig winced, as the both of you walked over to Jax's motorcycle. It seemed to slide into a wall, scratch marks covered the side of it.

"It's Jax's." You stared at the motorcycle in awe. "You think it's broken?"


"Yep. It's definitely broken." Jax hissed.

"Oh, but don't worry. I'm fine!" You hissed back, holding your arms up to show the cuts and bruises.

"Hey, calm down." Tara mumbled as she proceeded to treat your cuts. You glared at her before sighing.

"Yell at Tig. He's the one that ran into me." You shrugged.

"Not only did she run into me, but I'm pretty sure my knee cap is broken!" Tig growled.

"Oh shut up! You'll be fine." You hissed.

"I don't give a shit about how you guys fix this, tear each other's heads off for all I care. But Jax either needs a new one, or fixes the one he has. Stop bickerin' and figure it out." Clay growled, shutting everyone up.

"Yeah, Y/N. You can buy me a new one." Jax seethed.

"If I got that job? Maybe." You glared.


"Here." You smirked as you handed him a bundle of cash.

"You got the job?" He asked as he took it.

"No." You shrugged.

"Their loss. You want this back?" He said holding up the money.

"No. Keep it. I'll get by." You shrugged once more before going to help Gemma in the office.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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