Christmas Holiday.

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The Gaunts' manor was nothing like Malfoy Manor. The floor was a greyish wood and the walls were soft blues and greys.

"Wow," Hermione said as she looked around the living room. It had old Victorian sofas and the fireplace was marble with mermaids carved into it.

"I spent years fixing this place up, when we got it it was a total mess, but with new floors, paint, and more windows it was better than new," Mrs.Gaunt said giving a twirl around her room in her green dress.

Hermione hugged her, "I'm sorry we're late, but Jake was running very behind." She shot her brother a glare.

"He has never been very punctual, Martin and I have no idea where he gets that from."

Jake snorted, "well Hermione has your temper. She stormed into the dormitory and started beating me with a pillow."

"She has my blessing to beat you whenever she wants, you normally deserve it." Mrs.Gaunt laughed breezily and disappeared into the kitchen and returned with a plate of food, "scones anyone?"

They accepted. "These are incredible, Mrs.Gaunt," Draco said after swallowing a bite.

"Flattery won't work, Draco. If you want to woe anyone it should be Martin, he's not very keen about Hermione dating a Malfoy," Mrs.Gaunt stated.

Hermione interjected, "Draco is amazing. He helped me through everything that has been happening as of late, and trust me I used to hate him more than anyone. I'm lucky to have someone like him in my life."

"If he's as good as you say then he's good enough for me," Mr.Gaunt said from the doorway. He hugged Hermione and kissed her cheek, then hugged Jake, and shook Draco's hand. "Time for breakfast or I should say the breakfeast, you might not need to eat the rest of the day."

"Oh Martin, don't you think that's a bit dramatic? Because I have a lovely brunch, lunch, dinner, supper, and dessert."

Jake stopped her, "Mum, you're obligated to feed us three times a day, not six, and I need to keep fit for Quidditch."

"Oh posh, one day of eating won't ruin you, you can work it off with Draco out back on the brooms. Bye the way I invited the Zabinis over for dinner, Hermione dear, is there anyone you want over?"

"Can I invite my friend Ginny over?"

"Absolutely, I want to know all of your friends," Mrs.Gaunt hummed cheerfully as she went to the kitchen with Mr.Gaunt.

Hermione used Draco's back as a table to scrawl a quick note to Ginny, "um, Jake, where can I send this?"

"I'll just give it to Mouse," he said taking her note.

"Who's Mouse?"

"My owl, I thought the name would be funny. I'll be right back, I need to tell Blaise she's coming too," Jake snorted as he ran off to another room.

Hermione laughed and looked at Draco, "my brother is an idiot, and Blaise is going to be seriously damaged by the end of today if he doesn't behave." Draco laughed with her.

"In a couple days we'll be at my place, and I know my mother will adore you," Draco whispered in her ear. She smiled and kissed him gently not wanting to have too much PDA at her family's house. "Love you."

"Love you too."

Jake came back with a troublesome grin plastered on his face, "Blaise is gonna flip."

"You are a bad person."

"Unlike you who likes to speak of doing the naughty with Malfoy. A few years from now you'll be a Missus, and have an army of snotty little Malfoys and Malfettes," Jake snickered.

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