Draco's Flat.

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I own nothing, all to J.K. Rowling! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Follow!


Hermione looked around Draco's flat and it was rather empty, but she didn't care as long as he had a bed. Draco looked at her for a moment before the two surged together and kissed passionately. Draco licked her lower lip and she allowed entrance, he had pressed her up against the nearest wall and his hands travelled her body. Draco kissed her neck, biting softly at the skin making her moan. He let out a strained sound and tightened his grip as he kissed her roughly.

She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his shoulders, that's when she saw the scars. Her hands ran over them gently and Draco tensed. "Are these from the attack?" She asked softly, three long slashes were across his chest and a U-shape bite mark was on his side. He lifted his arm and saw that his Dark Mark was disfigured by the second bite mark. He looked away shamefully and nodded.

"If the Dark Mark made me a monster, then I don't know what I am now," He said quietly but the pain in his voice was unbearable. Hermione put her hand on his cheek and forced him to look at her.

"You're not a monster. You anything but a monster Draco. I love you so much and every time I look at you I see the best man I will ever know, I see the love of my life and the father of our son, and my friend, my competition, my family, my everything." Hermione looked at him intently with her intense green eyes. She brought his arm up to her lips and kissed his scars, and kissed the marks on his chest, he brought her lips back up to his own and kissed her, rather than the red-hot passion it was tender and loving full of his gratitude for her and it told her everything he was thinking.

She took off her shirt and was unbuckling his pants as he led her to his room without breaking the kiss. He broke the kiss and looked away ashamed again, "I, um, might try to um...bite you. You know, during sex, to uh, mark you."

Hermione knew all this because of her job, and she couldn't even find it in herself to care. She smiled a small smile and kissed him again. He could feel her acceptance, she kicked off her shoes and Draco took off her pants. Hermione would never admit this, but she was still a little self-conscious about the several pounds she had put on during her pregnancy that she still hadn't lost, but Draco didn't even notice as he kissed her neck and down to her cleavage in her bra. Hermione let out a breathy moan and her fingers tangled in his hair.

They crashed into bed and Draco was on top of her, his hands stroking her through her underwear. Hermione gasped and moaned his name. She pulled him down on her to kiss his neck and nibbled at his skin, she moaned against his Adam's apple making him groan. He had pulled off her knickers and teased her, making her beg. He pushed his slender finger in her and she was moaning in pleasure.

"Draco...more," Hermione had pleaded as her nails dug into his shoulders. He had added two more fingers and was pumping them in her making her cry out in pleasure. She came and he could smell her with his wolfy nose. Hermione was panting and kissing Draco as she slid her hand down his chest and into his boxers. He let out a low moan as she gripped him and began to move her hand on his member.

"Hermione.." He moaned as she moved faster. She was kissing him as he moaned into the kiss, he climaxed in his boxers and took them off wanting to be in Hermione. Draco was breathing heavily as he pushed into her making them both moan loudly. His wolf was finally acting in agreement with him as he pounded into his girlfriend making her scream his name. When he marked her he picked the curve of her neck where his shoulder met her neck, he felt his fangs grow and instinctively he sunk his teeth into Hermione's neck tasting her blood.

Instead of wincing in pain when he bit her Hermione moaned louder, of course, she knew that werewolf saliva had aphrodisiacs to make marking more pleasurable for their mate, with a cry of pleasure she came and shortly after he came as well. He released her neck after a minute and rolled off of her. He pulled her into his arms and licked the wound on her neck, she sighed contently and kissed his shoulder.

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