
19 1 8

This isn't a chapter but something that happened most likely ye know I'm in Malaysia. So I went to Singapore -3- and dear god it was 35 degrees. I was walking around and some guy pushed me (dickhead) anddddd as if something bad could happen it did i stubbed my toe into my foot ._. It may not sound bad but uh yeah I have sharp nails and sandals they don't mix. After that I wanted to go skating since they had it in a shopping centre there anddd the ice was plastic XDD. :/ ice skates are my worse enemy hurts my left ankle and for the big finale I rented a electric scooter XD YESH I NEED TO CROSS IT OFF MY BUCKET LIST. I fell -3- and almost broke the damn thing and crashed into someone. Fooken clumsy I know. And I'm gunna make a terrible joke

I thought leprechauns were meant to have good luck


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