503 reads... StOp jUmPiNg OvEr mY eXpEcTaTiOnS. Im JuSt A KiD WhO sHoUlD fUcKeN bE hErE wHy ArE yOu ReAdInG mY cRaP fUcKing BULLSHIT. Stooooppppp the amazement is toooo muchhhhhh
Dares rawr
FanfictionI have nothing better to do...pls don't kill me if I cant write stories I just realised it said cAn for the pas 2 mOnThs I can't do shit about it anyway....I'm a slice of bread
Why and how?
503 reads... StOp jUmPiNg OvEr mY eXpEcTaTiOnS. Im JuSt A KiD WhO sHoUlD fUcKeN bE hErE wHy ArE yOu ReAdInG mY cRaP fUcKing BULLSHIT. Stooooppppp the amazement is toooo muchhhhhh