Chapter 2

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" Niall! " Greg shouted. I turn the tractor off then approached Greg. 

" Yes?" 

" Take a look at this " he said handing me a newspaper.

I took it  and...

" Isn't that Demi?" he asked. My heart skipped beats. I haven't realized how much I miss her. I've been trying to take her off my mind lately but there she goes, pulling me back again without her knowing.  She looked good... she always does. But this time she looked happier... maybe after all leaving me was the best choice... was the best decision she made. 

" She's doing great. Good for her. " I replied then handed him the newspaper back.

" Aren't you gonna try to talk or contact  her?" Greg asked.

" Why would I? She's happier without me and I don't wanna ruin what she have now. I'm happy for her. " I replied. 

But still I can't help but wonder if she ever think about me? 

That night she have decided to cut off everything that we have. I felt broken and I wanted to take her back again but who am I to contradict her decisions? I have left her once and I know that I broke her and I think letting her go is the only way for me to ease her pain. That morning she left for New York and I've never been so incomplete and hurt my whole life. Now I know what she felt when I left her. I deserve this. She deserve to be happy in return of all the pain that she have experienced when she's still with me. She's probably happy and in love with that guy beside her. I can't be angry for I am the reason behind all of this. He probably made her happy and loved. He probably never made her cry or made her sad. He probably stayed beside her whatever happens. He might be the reason behind her smile. He might be everything I should be if I have not fucked things up. I should've done all those things when she was still with me.
But sadly I did not and now I am paying all the consequences.
I wanted to see her? A part of me yes cause damn I miss her like hell but the other part of me won't cause it will only remind her of the past that she is trying to forget.
She is there up above the sky. Shining too bright, achieving the life she have dreamed little by little while here I stood below. Watching her achieve all of these without me. Here stuck in this farm feeling lonely. 

" Dinner's Ready! " my mom's voice snapped me out of my thought.

" Are you okay Niall? " she asked me. I simply nodded.

" No he's not! " Greg said. I looked at him sternly but he shrug his shoulder and continued speaking.

" We saw Demi in the newspaper today. " he continued. My mom looked at me concern evident on her face. 

" Mom she have moved on and I have. There is nothing to be worried about. I am okay. " I lied.

" Why don't you try to talk? You still have her number right? Try contacting her again. " 

" Mom's right Niall. You didn't end things up well. " Greg added.

" For what? She's fine with her life right now and I am as well ." 

" You are ?" Greg asked already knowing the answer. He knows that I am lying.

" Let's eat. I've prepared your favorites ." My mom said diverting the topic. She might have realized that the topic is too heavy for me. 

Dinner time is over and I am up in my room. I thought about what Greg asked me. I haven't moved on. I am not fine! I've been dying to hear her voice again. I am desperate as hell right now. Without thinking I grab my phone and called.

It rang one... twice...thrice

" What are you thinking Niall. She probably changed her number. Stop trying okay?! Your story is over! " I tried to remind myself. I know no one would probably answer this call but deep inside me I hoped that she will. 

" What am I thinking" 

I let out a sigh and

" Hello? " 

My heart skipped beats. Her angelic voice rang through my ear. Oh how I missed her so much. I wanted to speak but i just can't. I don't have the courage to...

" Hello?? " she speak again. 

" Whose these?" she continued. 

She probably deleted my number. It was silent for a while and then the line ended.

I wanted to listen to her voice every time but for now I'll hang on to this. I'll remember it every single day... I won't forget. 

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