Chapter 3

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The past is a very determined ghost, haunting every chance it gets.

- Laura Miller


I was in the middle of the taping when my phone suddenly rang. I excused myself and asked for a 5 minute break. Henry looked at me obviously annoyed but nodded anyways. 
" 5 minutes " he mouthed at me. I nodded then run my way to my bag. I picked up my phone and without looking at the screen, I answered.

  " What am I thinking" the voice on the other line started. My heart thumped...

The person on the other line is breathing heavily. I gulped and then 

" Hello? " I said. My heart beating rapidly.

It was silent but I can hear his heavy breathing on the phone. I want to take this chance to try to communicate with him again. Oh how much I miss him. Despite what we've been through, he still became a part of my life.

" Whose this?" I continued but still he was silent. I wanted him to tell me how much he miss me. I know that sounds crazy since I am the one who cutted everything between us.

Henry suddenly grabbed my phone and ended the call. I looked at him shocked.
" 5 minutes over" he said then placed my phone on the table. 

He walked away and signaled me to follow. I was upset, it was my chance but then again my career is important as well. I can't just give this up. I hoped he'll call me again.


'' I knew it! I shouldn't have called her. She completely remove me from her life and it was probably the best decision she ever made. I am not worth fighting for, not worth remembering and not worthy to be loved especially by her. Despite the realizations, I can't stop thinking about the what if's. What if I told her what I really feel from the very beginning, she would probably be here beside me.''

A knock on my door, snapped me out of my thought.


" Greg... what are you doing here?"

" I just wanna apologize for what I did earlier. I know that bringing Demi up again is not a good idea. "

" Greg you don't have to apologize. You were right in fact I called her. " 

" You did?! then what happened?" 

" She answered the call but I think she deleted my number."

"What did you tell her?"

" I hesitated at first because I don't know how can I put my thoughts in word but by the time I gained courage, she ended the call. "

" I guess she just needed time Niall. Someday you'll eventually moved on and she will too. If you are right for each other then you will eventually be together but for now it's best if you live your life happily. Do not be imprisoned by your past mistakes and do whatever you want. I know this will be hard but you need to forget about Demi. It is what's best for you and for her. "

Maybe Greg was right... I need to forget Demi, I have to.

______________________0_____________________0 Meanwhile

" What's with the face?" Miley asked

" Niall called "

" He what?! What did he tell you?" 

"Nothing... the call ended even before he got the chance to speak. "

" How are you feeling?"

" It's funny but I just don't know. I don't know what I felt about it. "

" Well that should not affect your career. "


" I mean you've poured too much effort just for you to be where you are right now and then what? Gonna ruin it again for him? He ruined your life before and you are making a new one right here! Are you gonna let him ruin it again? "

Then it hit me hard. Miley was right! Niall messed up  not only my life but me in general. I am afraid of being near him again cause I knew for sure that, one way or another I will fall in love with him again. 

" No..."

" Well that's good to hear. See you tomorrow. " 

As I was walking back to my apartment, I saw a very familiar face walking just a few feet from me.

" Harry?" I called. I was then met by his nature colored eyes.

" Demi?! " He smiled, his dimples showing.

He then engulf me in a hug, just what I need.

" It's been so long. "

" I know it is. "

His phone beep and then...

" Well I really need to go. It is an emergency but yeah It is really nice to see you again. Can we meet tomorrow? "

" Yeah sure. Here this is my number. "

"Thanks. See you "

" See you."

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