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Jakob POV
I shut the door slowly and quietly as I pushed my hair out of my face. I began to walk to the kitchen.
"Hello Jakob." Spoke the doctor as I turned around to look into the living room. I stepped more inwards.
"Mum?" I asked as I looked between her and the doctor.
"The doctor is here to help." She smiled as she looked down and my older sister Mikaila.
"No. No. No mum. I told you no doctors. No." I shook my head as I stepped forward.
"We all just want what's best for you." He spoke as he put his hand out towards me making me take a step back.
"Who are they?" I pointed to the two mystery people sitting on the sofa next to Miki.
"Doctor Wilson and Mrs Cook. They are my colleges and they're going to help me assess your condition." The doctor I'm all to familiar with spoke, pointing to who was who.
"Assess? Assess what? There's nothing wrong with me. I'm f-fine. M-Mum?" I said trying not to stutter.
"I'm s-sorry. I didn't know what else to do." She stuttered as Miks stood up next to her.
"We all just think that some time away at a hospital somewhere quiet, would do you the world of good." The doctor spoke calmly, a little to calmly.
"A hospital?" I questioned as I rubbed my shoulder.
"Yeh. We can go there now if you want? For a proper assessment," I looked to me left to see a big guy police officer standing there. He wasn't there before, "We can get you the help that you need."
I breathed out, "No really. I'm fine. Thank you. I'm really fine." I smiled.
"We really think that you should come with us." He continued.
"No. I don't wanna go," I whispered loud enough for them all to hear as I looked at Mikaila, "I wanna s-stay with m-mum and M-Miki. Mum tell him!" I pointed at mum.
"Jakob your mum thinks it's a good idea too. She's not certain she can look after you properly."
"It's for the best." She breathed out as she held Miks hand.
"Wh-n-no you c-can't make me! I don't w-wanna g-go!" I played with with my necklace.
"I'm afraid we're going to have to insist." That stupid God damn doctor!
"I-insist?" I repeated as I bit my finger.
"We've all agreed. It's for your own safety."
I pulled the lamp that was sitting on the side out the socket. I held it out towards them as I looked at the other police officer.
"Jake please." Mikaila whispered.
I threw it. I threw it as the guy in the door. He moved to dodge it. I ran. I unbolted the door. The other police officer tried to stop me. I did the other thing I could. I bit her. I got out the door.
"Jakob please! You're making this worse for yourself!" I think I heard my older sister Mikaila shout but that wasn't good enough.
I kept running.
I never stopped until they finally caught up.
"No! Get off me!" I screamed in the middle of the street as people stopped and stared as they were walking in the late summers night.
I kicked and punched but it didn't work.
Next I heard the sirens.
Then it was my mums cries.
Then my sisters.
"Jakob. Please this will be easier if you cooperate." Mum cried as my head hit the floor.
"No! Don't hurt him!" Miki cried.
I looked up. There stood a girl in a white dress. She kept looking at me. She was around 13/14. "Will he go where Ethan went?" She asked the older girl by only a few years it looked.
"He'll be safe. Like Ethan is. Don't worry." They continued walking. They didn't stop like everyone else.
They got me up as they pushed me to the police car. I wouldn't lose my eye contact with Mikaila.
"Mikaila please! I'll be good! I'll take my medication!" I cried but she only shook her head and blew me a kiss.
She exchanged a few words with mum before she walked back inside and watched from her window.
"Mum?" I chocked out but that just made her cry more.

I looked out the window of the police car as it pulled up outside the big building. The hospital.
'St Mary's hospital.' It read. Why have I heard this? I know this.
"Ok out." The police woman said and the man parked the car. I was handcuffed to her. She pulled me out the car. "Ow! Fuck!" I shouted as it hurt and she glared at me.
She pulled me into the entrance there wasn't anyone walking around like a normal hospital.
The doctor spoke to the woman at the desk as I was made to sit down. They were speaking for a long time. 20 minutes I watched the hand tick by on the clock.
I had stopped crying half way in the car journey.
"Alright it's late. You'll be assessed tomorrow." Said the doctor as a nurse walked over. "If you'd like to follow me." She said to the police officer that smiled and stood up. Pulling me with her.
The nurse scanned a pass that opened the big ass door. The corridors got darker and more bland the more we walked. She stopped outside a room and opened the door.
"Jakob this will be your room for the night, then you will be moved tomorrow." I nodded as they took me in and took the handcuffs off.
"I'm Shayla by the way and I'll be your nurse so if you need anything you press the button next to the door and wait for me to come." She smiled but I glared at her.
"I need to go home. That's what I need. I don't need to be here!" I said as I looked around.
There was a small single bed in the corner of the room a window next to it but it was barred. There was a sofa looking thing in the opposite corner.
"There is also a bathroom through there." She pointed to a door and I nodded.
"I know you don't have any stuff but I'll get you something to sleep in for the night." With that they both left and shut the door.
I was alone, scared and normal.

A/N: I know I haven't finished my Chris book but I really wanted to post this so I'm going to try write both of them. This one is a bit different but I have a storyline and in my head it's good. I know not much about the Australian health care and stuff so I just made the hospital name up and that. Hope you all enjoy xxx
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alone. paranoid. normal. | jethis Where stories live. Discover now