Chapter 1 -Two Wishes-

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Chapter 1
Two Wishes

~Bel's POV~

The wind feels just as great as ever, I even had to have my hand up to keep my hair in check. Oh yeah! I got to introduce myself, Hi there my name is Bel Moon but my friends just call me Bel, I'm a member of the D-Team and I'm a second year of Hanabisawa High School, vice-president of the Dino Club with my friends Zoe, Amy, Meena, with Max being the president of our Club. Oh yeah, I'm also secretly a writer of the famous story named "Guardians of Luck & Love" but my friends don't know that.

"Hey, Bel~! Are you coming or are we going to be late for school?" yelled Zoe to me while waving her right hand and arm, since her left hand was busy holding on to Max's right hand, yep they are a thing now since they started to date around the end of our first year, even if they get into some arguments with each other, if...if Rex was here he would be just as happy for them as I'm. But there is no need to be dwelling on the past, because right now I got to be thinking of my own life and future, even...even if I miss him so much heck he must be having a blast in his time. I felt a smile form on my lips, I turned to face my friends and set off in a little jog over to them while yelling back to them "sure let's get going~!" sounding happy and excited, my hair would wave and move as I jogged over to Max and Zoe.

~Hanabisawa High, Class 2.A, Math. Zoe's POV~

" worst enemy..." thought I while groaning quietly and having my left hand hold up my head and my right was tapping the end of my pen to my cheek trying to figure out a tough math question, lucky I'm not as bad as Max because he is having the worse luck than me, but the one who's way better at math by now is Bel. Because the one being better at math out of us four back in elementary school, was Rex...I sighed over that thought on him, I know that Bel misses him way more than me and Max even if she doesn't show it to others, I know she is crying under that smile of hers, even Max sees it at times that is.

~Max's POV~

I groan loudly in my head because math is just not one of my strong sides, I wanted to cheat but if I did, Zoe would lash out on me and Bel would have my head if I did. I sighed man what I wouldn't do to cheat off from Rex...oh right I can't anymore...or I tried once, but it ended up with me getting caught. And getting lashed out at first by my parents and then by my big brother Cole, man this stinks I wish that we all were together again like we used to be. I let my head and eyes look over at Bel who was, of course, busy with her math but at times I would notice her eyes would look sad and distant. Like there is something on her mind and I just don't know what it is? But I do feel like it's something serious...

~Normal POV, Lunch Time~

It was lunchtime and the D-Team minus Bel was eating lunch outside "why isn't Bel coming and eating with us, Max?" asked Meena while taking a bite of her sandwich, "she told me that she had something to work on alone and when I asked her what it was, all she said that it was a secret." Replied Max and Zoe added, "she has been working on that secret for some time don't you guys think so?" Amy and Meena both nodded with Amy saying "yeah". Back in their classroom was Bel writing down in her notebook and it looked like either a letter or some lyrics to a song, but it does look like she was having some trouble with it and she chooses to take a little break...

~Bel's POV~

I sighed as I looked outside the window and up to the sky while quietly saying to myself "what am I going to do, I can't figure out what to write..." then an idea and a memory came to mind. And I returned to writing in my notebook, once school was over for today Zoe and I would get to her families Animal Hospital for our "part-time" job, we mostly help out around there and we do get paid a small amount because according to Dr. Drake, we are "too young" to be working with and around such a serious area and field of medicine, well if I remember correctly. Because Zoe and I started to "work" there about a year ago. "So I know it's early to ask this but have you thought of something to do after we graduate?" asked Zoe and I replied "well no, I haven't yet Zoe", Zoe gave this weird look and said "seriously?" I nodded "yeah...although there are a couple of plans I have..." Zoe now looked at me like she wanted me to spill it and as much I didn't want to, I did anyway after hearing Zoe say "so what are your plans?" and I answered, "well for one, I want to help Mary out with those poachers or move to Italy and help her out in her flower shop or move to France and study under my grandfather at his fashion school or...or become a geisha..." I looked down at the floor when I said that last part.

And Zoe lost it when I said geisha "you can't be serious! Becoming a geisha means saying goodbye to your name and getting a new one are you sure about it?" some tears ran down my cheeks and I replied "what else am I supposed to's not like Rex is coming back home...anymore..." and I wasn't wrong about it, he was with his parents, in their own time. "If you need some time for yourself, you can leave early I'll tell my dad that you didn't feel okay and had to leave early" said Zoe while placing her hands on my shoulders and giving me a smile, a smile that said, "I understand your pain" I looked back up to her with both a thankful smile and sad eyes. After gathering and getting stuff, I went to a familiar place...

~Zoe's POV~

"Bel..." said I as I saw her leave then I heard the door to my dad's office open up and saw "hey Reese", "hey Zoe, let me guess she wanted time for herself..." asked Reese all I did was nod and say "yeah..." then I looked at an old picture the four of us each have, it's of us when were much younger when me, Max and Rex first meet Bel it was her father Dr. Moon who took the picture. We all look so happy even with Rex and Bel blushing in the back. I giggled over that memory of us and went to "work"...

~Bel's POV~

I walked and walked until I reached the D-Lab well the front of the lab and walked over to "edge" and looked to the sky "what am I doing..." I sighed "why do I always think that he is going to return...I should just grow up and try to forget about him..." my tears would not stop up to this point, so I placed my hands on my face and cried into them and as I cried and cried I got down on my knees and cried out "I-I miss him so much, I wish t-that could get to see you again just for o-one more time Rex~!". I cried until the sun was going down and once I was kinder done with crying I wiped my tears away and looked up to the setting sun making my biggest wish that I hope will maybe come true "I wish to see you again and tell you how I feel for you, Rex..." then I stood up and dust off my knees, picked up my school bag and walked home.

~Year 2129, Dr. Ancient's Office~

Dr. Ancient was in his office along with Jonathan searching up on his son's friends and their future well what they left behind for the Ancient's to look for, while Jonathan was working on something for Rex maybe it's a time-machine or something else. Rex's dad Dr. Ancient found both something unsettling and something good out. "Jonathan could you come here..." said Dr. Ancient and Jonathan followed his masters' command "what is it, Dr. Ancient?", "well good thing is I found out where Rex's friends are buried but the bad thing is that the evil that got Max and Zoe in that car crash is the..." "Is what, Dr. Ancient?" Dr. Ancient would tell Jonathan about who it was and they would come to an agreement to tell Rex about both the good and bad news...

~Rex's room, Rex's POV~

I was in my room most of the time other times I would help my mom and dad out around in our home, but yeah, either way, I'm in my room most of the time sitting by my desk looking at my D-Team badge and at the bluestone that's the same as...Bel's pink stone..."I wonder how all of them are doing, maybe they've gotten into a great high school and they have maybe started a club for the team. And how are they on their own, what is Max doing for himself the same thing for Zoe and...Bel" I sighed and added to that "I wish that I could them again" said I quietly to myself, I sat there for about an hour or so until I heard a knock on my door "yeah?" "It's me, Rex, may I come in...there is something I need to tell you" it was my dad? I wonder what it is he wants to tell me about "sure thing dad, come on in". A couple of seconds after I ended my sentence my door opened up and my dad came into my room "Rex, I have both good news and bad news. Good thing is that I found out where your friends are buried and what place it's at" "that's amazing dad, but what's the bad news?" my dad had his eyes closed for a second or two until he opened them and looked at me with both a firm and sadden eyes while saying "well the thing is..."

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