Chapter 3 - Oklahoma mysteries: A mysterious hooded guy saved me!?-

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(( Author Note - I'm so sorry if, there are so many separation lines ~ This chapter is a big one, so bear with me ))

Dinosaur King ~Together Forever~

Chapter 3

- Oklahoma mysteries: A mysterious hooded guy saved me!?-

By Emma Hiiragi

~Bel's POV~

It has been about a week since I told my mom about how lonely I felt without Rex around, every now and then my mom and I would talk together while drinking some really great home-made herbal tea, but right now were I pre-packing my stuff for my class trip to Oklahoma. I sighed and thought "when was the last time Max and Zoe were in Oklahoma..." and started to think back to that day...

~Flashback/daydreaming, D-Lab, 3 years ago, Bel's POV~

"No fair, I want to come too" said I to my three friends Max, Rex, and Zoe, who each had a little Dinosaur friend and, I wanted my own "I know you want to come with us, but you know can't since you don't have a Dinosaur like us" replied Max while scratching the back of his neck unknown to me, Max and Zoe had Rex found the Daspletosaurus card and gave it to me "I know it might be a bad idea but, would you be okay with taking care of Daspletosaurus card for us?" I looked at the card then at Rex and then said "i-is it really okay for you to give it to me?" he nodded, I took the card and then I wished them good luck in getting the Dinosaur Card...

~Bel's POV, her daydream/flashback ends~

While still daydreaming for a bit I felt a hand on my shoulder and that brought me back to reality and I looked at Zoe? "Are you okay, Bel?" she asked, I nodded "yeah, I'm fine. Zoe... I was just spacing out a bit" chuckle a bit and continue to pack my stuff and Zoe said, "hey could it be that I can borrow that really great shampoo of yours while we are in the states?" "How about four more of them, so there is one for each of us girls' " I said while giggling and getting up on my feet from the floor. Zoe smiled and said "really Bel~!" she sure sounds happy, I nodded "Yeah, I mean you, Amy and Meena have wanted it for some time now, so I thought since we are going on a trip it would be a good time to get you guys some" I said while grabbing my wallet so I could go and buy the shampoo's for me and the girls, I turned my head to Zoe and said "Zoe, you can stay and wait for me. It won't take long for me to go and buy them" she nodded to me and I went out to catch a train and get to the central part of the city to buy those shampoos for us and for our school trip. I got there just in time because the store was almost closing that stupid train, but never mind that, I bought the four of the shampoos, one for me, one for Zoe, one for Amy and one for Meena. While I was looking into my wallet and counting the remaining amount of coins and bills, my eyes caught onto an old book on Dinosaurs and it looked like the one in the room Rex used while he lived with Max and his family, unknown to myself I had walked over to the book while still holding my wallet and were looking at it for some time...

~Zoe's POV, Moon Resident, Bel's Room~

Bel has been gone for some time she should have been back by now, so for me not to get bored to death I choose to look around in her room I mean, I have done it before. As I looked around I've to stumble upon an old picture I haven't seen in years, it was tugged away in a book. It was of Max, Bel, Rex and I but we were so cute back then but man Bel and Rex were so cute the way the both of them blushed the whole time man it felt like only yesterday this picture was taken and me, Max and Rex were on our way to her and families house...

~Taylor's House, 10 years ago, Zoe's POV~

"Where are we going Dad?" said Max as all three of us saw his father finish talking on the phone with someone called Dr. Moon? if I heard that correctly, "we are going to visit a colleague of mine Dr. Moon, he told me that on one of his dig-outs with his daughter, found he a fossilized Maiasaura egg and he wanted to show it to me...speaking of do you wanna come with me", "well.." said I before getting cut off by Max being eager to see something Dinosaur related "yeah we wanna come with you, as your assistant~!" both Max and his father laughed and giggled, so Rex and I were just being pulled along, well despite me and Rex wanted to say something about it, we were curious about this Dr. Moon as a person and his daughter like is she the same age as us or older?

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