You again?

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"Hello Belle's Bakery, we have sweet treats for sweet people. How can I help?" 

"I never realised how cringy that line was. Sweet treats for sweet people? Hand me a sick bucket"

"You again?"

"Yeah I guess"

"Tree boy? Is it really you?"

"Yeah. My name's Arun by the way not tree boy. I'd really appreciate it if you didn't remind me of that traumatising incident. I was so glad when I reached solid ground. That tree was so high up, it was getting incredibly nauseating up there"

"I'm sorry" she laughed

"Don't laugh, anyway random-girl-on-the-other-end-of-the-phone what's your name seeing as I've told you mine?"

"Not quite as catchy as tree boy is it? To answer your question my name is Monique"

"That's a nice name"

"Thanks. So what do you need? Stuck up a tree again? Want  some more delectable goods?"

"No I'm not stuck up a tree again, you're never going to forget that are you?" Arun said laughing slightly


"It was actually the latter, can I have a jalebi and a gulab jamun please?"

"Yeah. 19 Boroughbridge Road again? "

"Yeah because I'm too lazy to collect them"

"It should arrive soon."

"Thanks Monique. Do you mind if we talk until it arrives?"

"It's ok and no I don't mind"

"Do you have any more  customers to serve?"


"Ok. Hey, should we ask each other questions about each other? " His plan of not revealing anything about  himself had gone out of the window.  He supposed it was his fault, he never stuck to his plans.

"Sure, that sounds fun"

"Well ladies first. What do you want to ask?"

"This sounds boring but how old are you?"

"I'm twenty"

"So am I!"


"Yeah. So what's your question? "

"Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes, I have a sister called Amara. "

"That's cool"

"Yeah. She's ok. So, what's your job? You know I work here so what about you?"

"I work in my parents' shop. They sell traditional Indian food. I help serve customers and sometimes make some of the food"

"Aww, that's really sweet. I'm guessing you're Indian then?"

"Um, yeah. My family's from Chennai in South India"he said hesitantly. People could be incredibly malicious towards him when he revealed where he was from. Many seemed to harbor animosity towards Indian people.

Monique picked up on his hesitation "Don't worry, you don't have to be nervous. I won't judge you. I'm an Afro-Caribbean girl from the islands of St Kitts and Nevis. I know that there are some racist, ignorant people in this world but trust me, I'm not one of them" 

He sighed in relief "Thanks Monique, it's nice to know that there are still some sensible people in our generation"

"I know right" she let out a laugh

"My turn again?"


"Do you like music?"

"I love music. All types of it actually but  my favourites are calypso, dancehall, reggae and soca. They're part of my culture but that's not the only reason why I like them, they're also very summery and give off good vibes. Listening to them instantly improves my mood. "

"You sound really passionate, it's great to hear. I love all types of music too but I don't really have a favourite, I think that different music is good for different things and tells different stories"

"That's so true"

There was a pause "Hey, Monique thanks for talking to me but I've got to go. The desserts you sent me have arrived"

"Oh... ok I'll see you later then. Enjoy. " 

"Thanks bye "

The call ended abruptly and Monique's heart sank in disappointment. She had been enjoying her chat with Arun. They had been getting to know each other and it had been really fun. Never mind she thought, he might call tomorrow. At least she hoped he would.

A/n: Hi, thanks for reading the second chapter of Belle's Bakery!  I hope you enjoyed this insight into their lives as much as they did. Please vote and comment if you did. As always, constructive criticism is welcome. Thanks again, I really appreciate it. Bye

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